Faculty Profile

Dr. Md. Rezwan Miah


Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Chemistry, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801746055891
  • Email: [email protected]


Md. Rezwan Miah was born in a simple rural family in a northern district of Bangladesh. He passed S.S.C and H.S.C examinations from the Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education, Rajshahi, obtaining 80% marks in both of the examinations. He obtained B. Sc. (Honors, First in First class) and M. Sc. (Second in First class) Degrees in Chemistry from the University of Dhaka, Bangladesh, and Doctor of Science (D. Sc.) Degree in Electronic Chemistry, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan. He was awarded by the Japanese Government Scholarship (MEXT) and the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development (NEDO), Japan, Post-doctoral fellowship. He has experiences as a reviewer of different international Journals. He has currently a total of 29 publications most of which are SCOPUS indexed.


  • D. Sc. Degree (Electronic Chemistry), Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan
  • M. Sc. (Major in Physical Chemistry), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
  • B. Sc. (Hons) (Major in Chemistry), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh

Research Interests

  • Electrocatalysis
  • Electrochemical Sensor
  • Chemical Kinetics
  • Adsorption
  • Drug detection

Active Research Project

  • 1. Development of electrochemical sensor for glucose sensing
  • 2. Development of peroxide sensor
  • 3. Elctrochemical sensor development for UA, AA, DOPAC detection
  • 4. Oxygen reduction reaction for Fuel cell
  • 5. Electrochemical sensor for drug detection

Previous Research Project

  • 1. Electrochemistry of Molecular Oxygen and Reactive Oxygen Species
  • 2. Development of non-platinum catalysts for oxygen reduction in PEM fuel cells
  • 3. Fabrication of bimetallic electrodes by electrodeposition and their applications
  • 4. Fabrication and applications of self-assembled monolayer modified electrodes
  • 5. Atomic Level functional electrodes
  • 6. Kinetics of ionic reactions
  • 7. Removal of heavy metal from water by conductometric method etc

Journal Publications

  • 1. Spontaneous immobilization of thiocyanate onto Au surface for the detection of uric acid in basic medium. Mohebul Ahsan, Tarannuma Ferdous Manny, Md Mosaraf Hossain, Md. Rezwan Miah, Md. Abdul Aziz, Mohammad A. Hasnat. Surfaces and Interfaces, 36 (2023) 102599 (2023)
  • 2. Development of [I(ads)|Au(pc)] electrode to attain electrocatalytic oxidation of paracetamol: An efficient platform for quantitative analysis, Jahidul Hoq, Md. Fahamidul Islam, Md. Rezwan Miah, Mohammed M. Rahman, Albandary Almahri, Mohammad A. Hasnat, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 10 (2022) 108141 (2022)
  • 3. Efficient sensing of hydrogen peroxide via electrocatalytic oxidation reactions using polycrystalline Au electrode modified with controlled thiol group immobilization, Anim Duttaa, Md. Mahmudul Hasan, Md. Rezwan Miah, Yuki Nagao, Mohammad A. Hasnat, Electrochimica Acta, 395, (2021), 139217. (2021)
  • 4. Enhanced Oxidation of Uric Acid at Thiourea-Modified Gold Electrode in Alkaline Media, Tarannuma Ferdous Manny, Md. Rezwan Miah*, Md. Fakhrul Islam, Debashis Sen, Md. Rakib Mahmud Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, Vol. 56, No. 7, 570-577 (2020) (2020)
  • 5. Conductometric Studies of Adsorption of Sulfide on Charcoal from Aqueous Solution, Md. Rezwan Miah, Asma Sarker, Md. Azizur Rahman,Tarannuma Ferdous Manny, Debashis Sen , Int. J. Sci. Tech. Res. 6 (2017)86-90 (2017)
  • 6. Electrocatalytic Aactivity of Chemisorbed Hydroxyl Ion towards Oxidation of Hydrogen Peroxide in Alkaline Media by Md. Rezwan Miah, Tarannuma Ferdous Manny, Debashis Sen, Md. Azizur Rahman, Md. Saiful Alam, Ramkrishna Saha, Md. Towhidul Islam Tareq and Md. Rakib Mahmud, J. Ban. Acad. Sci. 41 (1) (2017) 29-36 (2017)
  • 7. Conductometric Studies of Kinetics of Ionic Reaction between Ag and Cl- in Aqueous Solution, Md. Rezwan Miah, Debashis Sen, Md. Azizur Rahman, Iqbal Ahmed Siddiquey, Md. Mahbubul Alam, Int J. Sci. Tech. Res. 6(1) (2017)52-56 (2017)
  • 8. Enhanced Electrochemical Oxidation of Hydrogen Peroxide at the Hydroxyl Ion-Modified Gold Electrode in Alkaline Media, Md. Rezwan Miah, Debashis Sen, Ramkrishna Saha and Mohammad Abul Hasnat, J. Bangladesh Acad. Sci., 40(2) (2016) 125-135 (2016)
  • 9. Spectroscopic Characterization of Croconate Bridging Complex: Change of Rhodizonate Bridging Ligand Inserted into A Pyridine Modified Large Macrocrocyclic Metal Arrangements Md. Mahbubul Alam, Ramkrishna Saha, Md. Rezwan Miah, Belal Ahmed, Iqbal Ahmed Sid, J. Bangladesh Acad. Sci. 40 (2) , 2016, 101-108 (2016)
  • 10. Oxygen Reduction Reaction at in Situ Fabricated Active Gold Over Layers in Acidic Media, Md. Rezwan Miaha, Takeyoshi Okajima and Takeo Ohsaka, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci, 11(2016)7909-7921 (2016)
  • 11. Two-step four-electron reduction of oxygen at iodine-adatoms-modified gold electrode in alkaline media, Md. Rezwan Miah and Takeo Ohsaka, Int. J. Electrochem. Sci. 7 (2012) 697-710 (2012)
  • 12. Electrocatalytic formation of NO2– at poly crystalline Ag surface in the neutral medium, M. Saiful Alam, M.A. Hasnat, M.A. Rashed, Md. Rezwan Miah, Islam S. M. Saiful, Electrochim. Acta 76 (2012) 102-105 (2012)
  • 13. Gamma radiation-induced graft copolymerization of styrene onto polyethyleneterephalate films: Application in fuel cell technology as proton exchange membrane, Mostak Ahmed, Mubarak A. Khan, Md. Rezwan Miah, Syed Abdul Monim and M. Anwar Khan, J. Macromolecular Sci. Part A: Pure and Appl. Chem. 48 (2011) 927-936 (2011)
  • 14. Enhanced electrooxidation of formic acid at Ta2O5-modified Pt electrode, Jahanig Masud, Muhammas Tanzirul Alam, Md. Rezwan Miah and Takeo Ohsaka, Electrochem. Commun. 13 (2011) 86-89 (2011)
  • 15. Kinetics of Oxygen Reduction Reaction at Electrochemically Fabricated Tin-Palladium Bimetallic Electrocatalyst in Acidic Media, Md. Rezwan Miah and Takeo Ohsaka, Electrochim. Acta 56 (2010) 285-290 (2010)
  • 16. Sulfur-adlayer-coated gold electrode for the in vitro electrochemical detection of uric acid in urine, Md. Rezwan Miah, Muhammad Tanzirul Alam, Takeo Ohsaka, Anal. Chim. Acta 669 (2010) 75-80 (2010)
  • 17. Kinetics of oxygen reduction reaction at tin-adatoms-modified gold electrodes in acidic media, Md. Rezwan Miah, Takeo Ohsaka, Electrochim. Acta 54 (2009) 5871-5876 (2009)
  • 18. Quasi-Reversible Two-Electron Reduction of Oxygen at Iodine Submonolayer-Coated Gold Electrode in Alkaline Media, Md. Rezwan Miah and Takeo Ohsaka, J. Electroanal. Chem. 633 (2009) 71-77 (2009)
  • 19. Electrochemically Fabricated Tin-Palladium Bimetallic Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Reduction Reaction in Acidic Media, Md. Rezwan Miah, M. Tanzirul Alam, T. Okajima and Takeo Ohsaka , J. Electrochem. Soc. 156 (2009) B1142-B1149 (2009)
  • 20. Heterogeneous Heck reaction catalysed by silica gel-supported 1,2-diaminocyclohexane–Pd complex, Md. Nazmul Alam, Shaheen M. Sarkar , Md. Rezwan Miah, Reac. Kin. Catal. Lett. 98 (2009) 383-389 (2009)
  • 21. Highly Efficient Silica Gel-Supported 1,2-Diaminocyclohexane-Pd Catalyst for Suzuki-Miyaura and Sonogashira Coupling Reactions, Shaheen M. Sarkar, Md. Nazmul Alam and Md. Rezwan Miah, Reac. Kin. Catal. Lett. 96 (2009) 175-183 (2009)
  • 22. Electrocatalysis of underpotential deposited tin-adatoms-modified gold electrodes towards oxygen reduction reaction in acidic media, Md. Rezwan Miah and Takeo Ohsaka, J. Electrochem. Soc. 156 (2009) B429-B435 (2009)
  • 23. Electrochemical oxidation of hydrogen peroxide at a bromine adatom-modified gold electrode in alkaline media, Md. Rezwan Miah and Takeo Ohsaka , Electrochim. Acta 54 (2009) 1570-1577 (2009)
  • 24. Quasi-reversible two-electron reduction of oxygen at the reagent-less in situ modified gold electrodes, Md. Rezwan Miah, Md. Nazmul Alama and Md. Shahin Sarkar, Res. Rev. Electrochem. 1 (2008) 114-120 (2008)
  • 25. In situ iodine-adlayer assisted selective electrooxidation of uric acid in alkaline media, Md. Rezwan Miah, Jahangir Masud and Takeo Ohsaka, Electrochim. Acta 54 (2008) 316-321 (2008)
  • 26. Kinetics of Electroreduction of H2O2 at Gold Electrodes in Iodide-Containing Alkaline Media, Md. Rezwan Miah and Takeo Ohsaka, J. Electrochem. Soc. 154 (2007) F186-F190 (2007)
  • 27. Observation of ‘inverted peak’ during molecular oxygen reduction at Au electrode in alkaline media, Md. Rezwan Miah and Takeo Ohsaka, Electrochim. Acta 52 (2007) 6378-6385 (2007)
  • 28. Enhanced electrochemical oxidation of H2O2 at Iodine-modified gold electrode in alkaline media, Md. Rezwan Miah and Takeo Ohsaka, J. Electrochem. Soc. 153 (2006) E195-E200 (2006)
  • 29. Cathodic Detection of H2O2 Using Iodide-Modified Gold Electrode in Alkaline Media, Md. Rezwan Miah and Takeo Ohsaka, Anal. Chem. 78 (2006) 1200-1205 (2006)


  • 1. Electrocatalysis of Hg-modified Gold Electrode towards Glucose Oxidation and Oxygen Reduction, Md. Azizur Rahman, Debashis Sen, Salma Akter, Tarannuma Ferdous Manny, Md. Rezwan Miah, SCRSD, Sylhet, Bangladesh, June 05, 2016 (2016)
  • 2. Applications of Thiocyanate-Modified Au Electrode towards Electrochemical Detection of Hydrogen Peroxide, Debashis Sen, Md. Azizur Rahman, Salma Akter, Tarannuma Ferdous Manny, Md. Rezwan Miah, SCRSD, Sylhet, Bangladesh, June 05, 2016 (2016)
  • 3. Electrocatalysis of iodine-modified gold electrodes, Md. Rezwan Miah, Jahangir Masud and Takeo Ohsaka, 3rd Asian Conference on Electrochemical Power Sources , Korea, Sep 3-5, 2008 (2008)
  • 4. Cathodic Detection and enhanced oxidation of hydrogen peroxide using Iodine-modified gold electrode in alkaline media, Md. Rezwan Miah, T. Okajima, F. Kitamura and Takeo Ohsaka, International Bangladesh Chemical Congress, Dhaka, March 2007 (2007)
  • 5. Cathodic Detection of H2O2 Using Iodide-Modified Gold Electrode in Alkaline Media Md. Rezwan Miah, T. Okajima, F. Kitamura and Takeo Ohsaka, 209th meeting of The Electrochemical Society, Denver, USA, Abs. No. 601 (2006) 1065 (2006)
  • 6. Enhanced electrochemical oxidation of H2O2 at Iodine-modified gold electrode in alkaline media, Md. Rezwan Miah, T. Okajima, F. Kitamura and Takeo Ohsaka, Autumn meeting, Electrochemical Society of Japan, Kyoto, Japan, Sept. 14-15, 2006 (2006)
  • 7. Oxidation of hydrogen peroxide at Iodine submonolayer-coated gold electrode, Md. Rezwan Miah, T. Okajima, F. Kitamura and Takeo Ohsaka, Spring meeting, Electrochemical Society of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, April 1-3, 2006 (2006)
  • 8. Patent: Cathodic Detection of H2O2 Using Iodide-Modified Gold Electrode in Alkaline Media, Takeo Ohsaka and Md. Rezwan Miah Japan Paten (2005-259555) (2005)
  • 9. Cathodic Detection of H2O2 Using Iodide-Modified Gold Electrode in Alkaline Media, Md. Rezwan Miah, T. Okajima, F. Kitamura and Takeo Ohsaka, Autumn meeting, Electrochemical Society of Japan, Chiba, Japan, Sept. 13-14, 2005 (2005)
  • 10. Observation of ‘inverted peak’ during molecular oxygen reduction at Au electrode in alkaline media, Md. Rezwan Miah, T. Okajima, F. Kitamura and Takeo Ohsaka, Spring meeting, Electrochemical Society of Japan, Kumamoto, Japan, April 1-3, 2005 (2005)


  • Teaching Experience: Department of Chemistry, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh: Lecturer, February 12, 2001 to February 11, 2004
  • Department of Chemistry, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh: Assistant Professor, February 12, 2004 to August 14, 2008
  • Department of Chemistry, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh: Associate Professor, August 15, 2008 to June 22, 2013
  • Department of Chemistry, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh: Professor (Grade 3), June 23, 2013.
  • Department of Chemistry, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh: Professor (Grade 2), June 23, 2017.
  • Department of Chemistry, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh: Professor (Grade 1), February 12, 2021 to present
  • Courses Taught: Electrochemistry - Elementary and Advanced levels
  • Chemical Spectroscopy
  • Phase Equilibria, Surface Chemistry and Colloid Chemistry
  • Thermodynamics
  • Quantum Chemistry and Statistical Mechanics
  • Physical Chemistry Practical

Awards & Recognition

  • Awarded by “Japanese Govt. Monbukagakusho (MEXT) scholarship”
  • Awarded by “New Energy and Industrial Technology Development (NEDO) Post- doctoral fellowship” Japan

Graduate Supervision

  • 1. M. S. Thesis supervision: 2009-2010: (i) Conductometric Studies of Adsorption of Thiocynate on Charcoal from Aqueous Solution (Completed)
  • 2. 2009-2010: (ii) Conductometric Studies of Salt Effect on Sulfur Formation and Hydrolysis of Ester (Completed)
  • 3. 2011-2012: Conductometric Studies of Primary Salt Effect on Oxidation of Bromide in Acidic Media (Completed)
  • 4. 2012-2013: (i) Electrocatalysis of Hg-Modified Gold Electrodes towards Hydrogen Peroxide and Glucose Sensing (Completed)
  • 5. 2012-2013: (ii) Electrochemical Studies of Sulfide Adsorption on Gold Electrode and Its Application Towards Glucose Oxidation (Completed)
  • 6. 2013-2014:Adsorption of Thiocyanate on metallic electrodes and its Applications (Completed)
  • 7. 2014-2015: Electrochemical Simultaneous Detection of Uric Acid and Ascorbic acid Using Thiocyanate-Modified Gold Electrode (completed)
  • 8. Undergraduate Thesis supervision: 2007-2008: Conductometric Studies of Adsorption of Iodide on Charcoal from Aqueous Solution (Completed)
  • 9. 2008-2009: (i) Conductometric Studies of Adsorption of Sulfide on Charcoal from Aqueous Solution (Completed)
  • 10. 2008-2009: (ii) Removal Pb2+ from aqueous Solution by Adsorption on Charcoal Investigated by Conductometric Technique (Completed)
  • 11. 2009-2010: Kinetic Studies of AgCl formation from Ionic Reaction of Ag+ and Cl- in aqueous Solution by Conductometric Method (Completed)
  • 12. 2012-2013 In situ fabrication of active metal over layers and their uses in electrocatalysis (completed)