1. Synthesis, characterization, thermal and luminescent properties of thiophenol-functionalized platinum(II) bis(acetylide) complexes
2. Synthesis, characterization, and antibacterial activities of organotin(IV) complexes with 2- acetylpyridine- N(4)- cyclohexylthiosemicarbazone (HAPCT).
3. Synthesis, characterization and in vitro antibacterial studies of organotin (IV) complexes with 2- hydroxyacetophenone-2- methylphenylthiosemicarbazone (H2dampt).
4. Light induced kinetic studies of oxidative degradation of malachite green.
5. Influence of irradiation on fenton degradation of brilliant red X-3B
6. A new series of luminescent phosphine stabilised platinum ethynyl complexes