Faculty Profile

Md Zafir Uddin (Zafir Setu: জফির সেতু), PhD


Contact Information


I studied literature because I wanted to understand life and the world through literature and philoshopy. For the same reason I also wanted to become a professor of literature. I have been associated with various literary movements since my college life. Especially in the little magazine movement of Bengal. My poems, stories and essays have been published for the past 25 years in various mediums including little magazine. I have been editing a little magazine named SURMOS for the last ten years. I am also editor of free thinking periodical named KOTHA-POROMPARA. I like the company of young fellow, their thoughts stimulate me alltime. In my academic part I have completed PhD on Bangla Sociolinguistics. Apart from literature and language, there is special interest in history, culture and ancient artifacts. In all, thirty-five books have been published. Among them seventeen books of poetry, two novels, one book of stories, one book of essays and the rest are research-based. My poems have also been translated into English and Manipuri languages. Several articles have been published on my poetry by literary persons. I like traveling and Traveled to India, Turkey, Japan, China and UK. `Na Cheri Na Chandramallika’ (‘The illusion of cherries and chrysanthemums’) has published a travelogue on Japan travel. I love human, I love different cultures.


  • Ph.D. (Sociolinguistics)
  • M.A. (Bangla)
  • B.A. (Hons.) [Bangla]
  • 2002 : Foundation Training (Bangladesh Civil Service).

Research Interests

  • Bangla Language, Ancient and Medieval era of Bangla Literature; Bangla Linguistics & Socio-Linguistics, Bangla Folk-literature & Culture, Poetry, Bangladeshi Literature, Partition Literature of Bengal; Female Education of Bengal, Education Movement of Bengal, Bangla Cinema, Copper plates and ancient history & culture of Bengal etc.
  • Creative Writing (Poetry, Short Story, Novel & travelogue), Essay and Research.

Active Research Project

  • 1. I am currently writing two books. One on Sylvia Plath's confession of her life in the novel and poems. Especially in the context of the war-torn world and various philosophical and literary movements of his time. The other on about various thoughts on selected works of Mulk Raj Anand, V S Naipaul and Virginia Woolf. Especially on colonialism, Subaltern and women's consciousness.

Previous Research Project

  • 1. (2023), `Lokovasabiggan Carca o Paribhasa’ (`Folklinguistics Studies and Terminology’). Funded by University Research Centre, SUST;
  • 2. (2022),`Chakma Bhasar samajvasik poristhiti: Bhasa Songjog o Baicitra’(`Sociolinguistic Situation of Chakma Language: Language in Contact and Language Variation’). Funded by University Research Centre, SUST;
  • 3. (2021), `Samajbhashabiggan Anusilan o Parivasa kosh’ (`Sociolinguistics Studies and Terminology’). Funded by University Research Centre, SUST;
  • 4. (2020), `Bangladesher Gatugan: Sangrah, Bhabbostu Bicar o Paribesonreti’ (`Ghantu Songs of Bangladesh’). Funded by University Research Centre, SUST;
  • 5. (2019), `Sylheter Nagrilipi o Sahitta: Prekkhapat, Kobiporiciti o Racanaporicay (`Sylheti Nagri Literature & Script’). (Co-Researcher) Funded by University Research Centre, SUST;
  • 6. (2018), `Sylheter Lokosongit: Anneshon o Boisistaniropan, Srenikoron o Kobiparicay abong Babsampad Bicar’ (`Falk Songs of Sylhet: A field study’). Funded by University Research Centre, SUST;
  • 7. (2017), `The Copper plates of Sylhet: Language, Society and Culture’. Funded by University Research Centre, SUST;
  • 8. (2013), `Bhashabiggani Rabindranath’ (`A Justification of Rabindranath Tagore As a Linguist’). [Co-Researcher]. Funded by University Research Centre, SUST;
  • 9. (2012), `Bangla Parivasha : Pranayan, Prachalan o Pramitakaraner Shamashya’ (`The Problems of introducing, practicing and standardization of Bangla Terminology’). [Co-Researcher]. Funded by University Research Centre, SUST.

External Affiliations

  • Member of Writing & Editing Board: National Curriculum and Textbook Board (Bangla: 6th to 10th Grade)
  • Member of the National Curriculum Framework (NCF) [Bangla: 8th to 10th grade
  • Publication Editor: Banggabidya: International Journal of Bengal Studies, Volume 10: Special Issue papers Presented in the 4th International Congress of Bengal Studies, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan;
  • Member of Editorial Board: 1. (2021), Nakkhatrer Akkhare Racito: A Collection of research articles about Sheikh Mujibur Rahman, SUST, Sylhet; 2. (2020), Murarichand College Journal, Murarichand College, Sylhet; 3.(2012), A Compilation of Poet Abdul Gaffar Dutt Chowdhury Memorial Speech: Compilation of Research Articles, SUST, Sylhet; 4. (2011), Unnata Mama Sheer (Ever High is My Head): A Compilation of Research Articles at University’s Seminars, SUST, Sylhet; 5. (2007), Purbasha (Literary Magazine), M.C. College, Sylhet;
  • Editor: Surmas: A Little Magazine (2010-).
  • Editor: Kathaparampara: A Periodical (2011-)
  • Reviewer of Dhaka University, Chattagram University, Jahangirnarar University, Nowakhali Science & Technology University & Comilla University Journal

Journal Publications

  • 1. Research Book: Sylheter Tamrashashan: Itihas, samaj o Sanskriti (Copper plates of Sylhet: History, Society & Culture): Research work, Nagri, Sylhet. (2024)
  • 2. ‘Muhammad Mansuruddiner Lokosahittacarcar Poriprekkhit’ (‘The perspective of Muhammad Mansuruddin’s Folkliterature studies’), Uttaradikar: (Year: 26, Issue :03 (Jan-Aprl)), Dhaka: Bangla Academy; (2024)
  • 3. ‘Sylheter Tamrasashoner sahittariti o kabbagun (`Literary style and poetic characteristics of the copper plate of Sylhet’) Bangla Academy Patrica, (Year: 67, Issue :01), Dhaka : Bangla Academy; (2024)
  • 4. ‘Helal Hafiz: Somokalin o zoddha ek kobi’ (‘Helal Hafiz: A Contemporary and warrior poet’), Sonskriti o Sadacar, Ed. : M Nurul Huda, Dhaka: Bangla Academy; (2024)
  • 5. ‘Mohammad Sadik: Somay-akranta ek kobi’ (‘Mohammad sadik: A poet of time’), Zindabazar: 1st Issue, Ed. : M Jayed Ali, Sylhet: Bangla Bangladesh; (2024)
  • 6. ‘Sonskriti o Sadacar’ (‘Culture and Morality’), Sonskriti o Sadacar, Ed. : M Nurul Huda, Dhaka: Bangla Academy; (2024)
  • 7. Sylheter Tamrashasan: Pariciti o Bibarana (Copper Plates of Sylhet: Introduction And Description), AL-Islah ((91th Year, 1st Issue), Muslim Sahitta Sangsad, Sylhet (2023)
  • 8. ‘Sheikh Mujibur Rahmaner Dharmadarshan : Amamar dekha nayacin prashange’ (‘The Religious Philoshopy of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman’s : Regarding of Amar dekha Nayacin’), Amar dekha nayacin : Path-bishleshan, 2023, Ed. : M Nurul Huda, Dhaka: Bangla Academy; (2023)
  • 9. ‘Makaddas Ali Udasir Gaan’ (‘Songs of Makaddas Ali Udasi: A Study), Makaddas Ali Udasi Smaran Pustak, Edited By Jayed Ali, Sylhet; (2023)
  • 10. Reseach Book: Ghantu gan Ghantu angskriti (Gantu Song Ghantu Culture): Research work,2022, Nagri, Sylhet. (2022)
  • 11. Poetry Book: Ami Karacgach (I am Caractree): Collection of Poems, 2022. Nagri, Sylhet; (2022)
  • 12. `Sylheti Nagri lipi o sahitta : samprotik mullayan’ (Sylheti Nagri script and literarure : A consideration’), Bengal Studies: History & Sociology, eds: Ayantika Ghosh, Kolkata : Bengal StudiesTrust; (2022)
  • 13. Reseach Book: Bangabandhu o Nayacin (Bangabandhu and Nayacin): Research work, 2021 Nagri, Sylhet. (2021)
  • 14. ‘Promita Bangla Bhasa: Bangladesh Prekkhapat’ (‘Standard Bengali Language: Bangladesh Context’), Bangla Sahitta Sangskriti Gobesona, (Year: 2021, Issue :1, 2021), Bangla Bibhag: University Of Northen ‘, Dhaka, Bangladesh; (2021)
  • 15. ‘Ghantuganer Udbhab o Pekkhapat Prasanga’(The origin and Development of Ghantugaan’), Folklore Jarnal : issue : 11, 2021), Folklore Bibhag, Rajshahi : University of Rajshahi; (2021)
  • 16. ‘Ghantuganer Poribeshon Riti’ (‘Performance of Ghatugan’) SUST Journal of Social Sciences (Volume: 32, Issue: 2, 2021). Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh (2021)
  • 17. ‘Sylheter Tamrasashone Protifalita Somaj O Sangskriti’ (`Society and culture reflected in the copper plate of Sylhet’) Bangla Academy Patrica, (Year: 65,Issue :04, 2021), Dhaka : Bangla Academy; (2021)
  • 18. ‘Pother pachalir Poschadhpot: Ak Sisifash Kotha’, (‘Pather Panchali's background: A Sisyphus story’) Sree, 2021 (2021)
  • 19. ‘Ailare Noya Daman: Rochoyta Bitarka o Ustha Sondhan’, (`Welcome of New Daman: Authorship Controversy and Sources’) Shuddhashar, (shuddhashar.com);2021 (2021)
  • 20. `Eto rakta keno' (Blood, Why?), Sahajiya: A Webzine, Ed. Suman Sajjad oF J U (2020)
  • 21. Travelouge:Na ceri Na chandramallika: A Travalog, 2020. Nagri, Sylhet. (2020)
  • 22. Novel: Ekta Zadur Harh: A Novel, Nagri, 2020. Sylhet. (2020)
  • 23. Poetry Book: Kabita Sangraha: Collection of Poetry books, 2020. Chaitanna, Sylhet. (2020)
  • 24. ‘Deshvag o bangladeser kobita’ (‘Partition and Poetry of Bangladesh’), Uttaradikar: (Year: 44, Issue :04, 2020), Dhaka: Bangla Academy; (2020)
  • 25. ‘Visavaroti : Rabidranather Manasattosadhana’ (Visavarati : Rabindranath's Pursuit of Humanity); Rabindra Bbissobiddaloy Potrika (Year: 1, Issue : 1, 2020), Sirajganj : Rabindra University; (2020)
  • 26. ‘Sylheti upabhasar: ‘Ujani o Vati RopÕ (‘Ujani and Bhati forms of Sylhet Dialect’), SUST Journal of Social Sciences (Volume: 31, Issue: 2, 2020). Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh; (2020)
  • 27. `Sylheti Nagri lipi o sahitta : poriprekkhit o samprotik bibecona’ (Sylheti Nagri script and literarure : Perspectives and recent considerations’), International Seminar on `Bengal Studies: History & Sociology’, ICBS & Presidency University, West Bengal, India; (2019)
  • 28. ‘Sylheter Tamrasason’, Uttaradikar: (Year: 43, Issue : 11, 2019), Dhaka : Bangla Academy; (2019)
  • 29. ‘Bipannavasa Pathor : Akti Vasabigganic Parjabekkhon’ (`Endangered Language Pathor: A Linguistic Observation’), SUST Journal of Social Sciences (Volume: 29, Issue: 1, 2019). Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh; (2019)
  • 30. ‘Haranodin Harano Manush: Atthakothoner Agnisikha’ (‘Lost Days Lost People: Flames of Autobiography’). Bikkha: banglavasa o sahitta Bissoyak Potrika (Year 4. Issue: 2, 2019) Delhii: bangla Academy Trust; (2019)
  • 31. Poetry Book: Tinvag Rakta (Blood Every Where): Collection of Poems, 2019. Nagri, Sylhet. (2019)
  • 32. Reseach Book: Sreevomir Rabindranath (Banggabandhu and China): Research work,2019. Nagri, Sylhet. (2019)
  • 33. Reseach Book:Tamrasasone Sreehotta (Sylhet in Copper plates): 2019 , Nagri, Sylhet. (2019)
  • 34. ‘Mahavarater Gurushissha’, (Guru-disciple of Mahabharata), Cinha: Literary Journal, (Year 18. Issue: 34, 2018), Rajshahi : University of Rajshahi; (2018)
  • 35. ‘Sylheti upavasa paristhiti: Srenikaron anosange’, (‘Sylheti Dialect Situation: Classification Accompanying)’ matrivasa potrika: (Year: 4, Issue :1, 2018), Dhaka: Antarjatik Matrivasa Institute; (2018)
  • 36. ‘Sohasini Dash o Britishbirodi Sangram’, (`Suhasini Das and the Anti-British Movement’), Ghobesana Samoyiki (Year: 4, Issue :4, 2018), Dhaka, Sautheast University; (2018)
  • 37. ‘Al Islah’, Uttaradikar: (Year: 43, Issue :4), Dhaka : Bangla Academy; (2018)
  • 38. Reseach Book: Sylhete Biswabiddaloy Andoloner Itihas (University Movement of Sylhet), 2018. Nagri, Sylhet. (2018)
  • 39. Reseach Book: Stisikkhar onmeshparbo o syhet mohila college,2018 Nagri, Sylhet. (2018)
  • 40. Selected Poetry: Nirbacita Kabita ; Behula Bangla,2018. Dhaka, Bangladesh. (2018)
  • 41. Reseach Book: Kabitar Indrajal (Magic of Poetry). 2017. Behula Bangla, Dhaka. (2017)
  • 42. ‘Bangla Haiku: Form, Technique and Trend’, Bangabidya: ICBS Journal, (Vol. 3, December 2017 ), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan ; (2017)
  • 43. Bilete Sylheti Upavasha : Bhasa Ayattakarane Samajtattik Anushangga (`Sylheti Dialect In London City: Language Acquisition as Social Perspective’). A Journal of Bangla Department (Vol. 03, December, 2017), Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur, Bangladesh; (2017)
  • 44. Novel: Hijaler Rang Lal ( Hijal is Red, A novel). 2016. Publisher: Behula Bangla, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (2016)
  • 45. ‘Shah Abdul Karimer Atmasmiti : Jiban Darshaner Shilpabhassa (`Autobiographical Memoir of Shah Abdul Karim : Philoshopy of Life’), Bekkha: Research Journal Bengali Language and Literature (Vol. 02 : 1, December 2016), Bangla Academy Trust, Delhi, India & Bangla Bhasha and Sahitta Parishad, Dhaka, Bangladesh; (2016)
  • 46. poetry book: Ekhon Mrigoya (poetry).2016. Publisher: Chaitanna, Sylhet, Bangladesh. (2016)
  • 47. poetry Book: Abaro Shabar (The Shabar, poetry).2016, Publisher: Nagri, Sylhet, Bangladesh. (2016)
  • 48. Creative Book 2015 : Prastarlikhita (Written in Stones (Poetry); Yes You Bloody Bastards (Poetry). Publisher: Nagri, Sylhet, Bangladesh. (2015)
  • 49. 2015 : Sylhety Upavashar Samajikstarabinnash : Dharmiya Anushange (Social Stratification Of Sylhety Dialect : a Religious Perspective). A Journal of Bangla Department (Vol. 02, July, 2015),Begum Rokeya University, Rangpur, Bangladesh; (2015)
  • 50. Creative Book 2014 : Shuto Diye Banano Shurzera (Fabricated Suns- Poetry), Turtle Has No Wings(Poetry). Publisher: Shuddhashwor, Dhaka; Bangladesh; Dumurer Gopan Ishara (Insinuation from the Fig-Poetry). Publisher: Chaitanna, Sylhet, Bangladesh. Mayur Ujane Vaasho (Peacock’s Swim). Publisher: Chaitanna, Sylhet, Bangladesh; (2014)
  • 51. 2014 : ‘Myth o Kabita’(Myth and Poetry). Surmoh (Issue: 2). Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh; (2014)
  • 52. 2014 : ‘Ashokbijay Raha : Tar Kabita’ (Ashokbijay Raha: Poems of Him). Bangladesher Hriday Hote(From the Heart of Bangladesh) (Year: 7, Issue: 4). Chhayanat, Dhaka; (2014)
  • 53. 2014 : ‘Dharmavittik Vasha Parthakya o Shangskritik Melbandhan : Sylhety Upavashar Prekkhapat’ (Religion Based Language Differences and Cultural Similarity : Background of Sylhety Dialect). SUST Journal of Social Sciences(Volume: 23, Issue: 3). Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh; (2014)
  • 54. 2014 : ‘Sylhety Upavashar Vashastariya Upadan : Ekti Shomikkha’ (Elements of Language Level in Sylhety Dialect : A Study). SUST Journal of Social Sciences(Volume: 23, Issue: 3). Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh; (2014)
  • 55. Edited Book 2013 : Sylhety Biyer Geeth (Wedding Songs of Sylhet); Publisher: Shuddhashwor, Dhaka; Bangladesh; (2013)
  • 56. Creative Book 2013 : Jatak o Dandakaranya (The Jatak and The Cursed Forest (Poetry); Babeler Chura (Babels Tower-Collection of Short-stories).Publisher: Shuddhashwor, Dhaka; Bangladesh; (2013)
  • 57. 2013 : ‘Lokaja Shilpakala : Sylhet Prekkhit’ (Folk Art : Sylhet Overview). Rabindra Journal. Rabindra Institute. Patishar, Jessore, Bangladesh; (2013)
  • 58. 2013 : ‘Kabi Dilwar’ ( Dilwar the Poet). Uttaradhikar(The Heir) (Issue : 50 The New Period). Bangla Academy, Dhaka, Bangladesh; (2013)
  • 59. 2013 : ‘Deshvag o Hasan Azizul Hauqer Galpa’ (Partition and Story from Hasan Azizul Hauque’s Story). Literature Paper (Year : 50. Issue : 2-3). Dept. of Bangla, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh; (2013)
  • 60. 2013 : ‘Vasha Prakasher Praved : Lingaveder Anukalpa’ (Distinctions in Linguistic Expression : Transform of Gender Differences). Bangla Research Journal (Issue : 5). Dept. of Bangla, Islamic University, Kushtia; Bangladesh; (2013)
  • 61. Edited Book 2012 : Nandalal Sharma : Bekti o Manash (Nandalal Sharma: Person and Quest).Publisher: Ghas, Sylhet, Bangladesh; (2012)
  • 62. Creative Book 2012 : Shindhudravirer Ghotoki (Mare of Shindhu-dravid( Poetry); Publisher: Shuddhashwor, Dhaka; Bangladesh; (2012)
  • 63. 2012 : ‘Atmasmriti: Shah Abdul Karimer Rajnaitik Anudhyan’ (Self-Memoir: Shah Abdul Karim’s Political Perception). Bangladesher Hriday Hote(From the Heart of Bangladesh) (Year: 5, Issue: 2). Chhayanat, Dhaka, Bangladesh; (2012)
  • 64. 2012 : ‘Patra Jatigosthi : Shatta o Shangkat’ (The Patra Ethnic Group : Equity and Crisis). BAPA Convention. SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh; (2012)
  • 65. Edited Book 2011 : Dilwarer Shreshtha Kabita (Selacted Poems of Dilwar ). Publisher: Shuddhashwor, Dhaka; Bangladesh; (2011)
  • 66. Creative Book 2011 : Tabur Nice Dutsbas (Embassy of Tent). Publisher: Shuddhashwor, Dhaka; Bangladesh; (2011)
  • 67. 2011 : ‘Sylheter Janagosthir Parichay ebong Shamaj-Shangskritik Prekkhit’ (Identity of Sylheti Population and Socio-cultural Overview). Anthropology Journal (Issue: 17). Dept. of Anthropology, Jahangirnagar University, Dhaka, Bangladesh; (2011)
  • 68. Edited Little Magazine and Periodical 2010- : Surmas (A Little Magazine). 2011- : Kathaparampara (A Periodical). (2010)
  • 69. 2010 : ‘Mohammad Rafiq: Tar Nirman-Binirman o Chetanabishwa’ (Mohammad Rafiq: His Construction-deconstruction and Spirit). Kali o Kalam (Year: 6, Issue: 12) Editor: Abul Hasnat, Dhaka, Bangladesh; (2010)
  • 70. 2010 : ‘Upavashar pravavak, Shakti o Upadan’ (The Catalyst, Strength and Elements of Dialect). Language and Literture Paper: 36. Dept. of Bangla, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Dhaka, Bangladesh; (2010)
  • 71. Empirical/Research Book 2009 : Lokopuraer Binirman o Annanya Prashanga (Deconstructing Folk-Mythology and Other Matters). Shuddhashwor, Dhaka. (2009)
  • 72. Creative Book 2008 : Sanatorium (Poetry). Publisher: Shuddhashwor, Dhaka; Bangladesh; (2008)
  • 73. 2007 : ‘Kaler Dwairath : Rabindragalpa’ (Struggle of Time : A Short Story by Rabindranath). Purbasha(The Dawn). Edited by Ashfaque Ahmad and et. Al. M.C. College, SYlhet, Bangladesh; (2007)
  • 74. Edited Booklet 2006 : Vashabigganer Moulik Bishay o Uposthanponkoushol(Basics of Linguistics and Art of Presentation). Dept. of Bangla, M.C. College, Sylhet. (2006)
  • 75. Creative Book 2006 : Shahasra Volter Baagh (A Thousand Volt Tiger-Poetry); Publisher: Shuddhashwor, Dhaka; Bangladesh; (2006)
  • 76. Creative Book 2004 : Bahubarna Raktabij( Multi-colored Blood-seeds (Poetry). Publisher: Shuddhashwor, Dhaka; Bangladesh; (2004)
  • 77. 1993 : ‘Magnachaitanyer Dalpala : Kishwarer Kabita’ (Branches of Absorbed Notion: Kishwar’s Poem). Shuddhashwor (Issue: 5). Edited by Ahmed Rashid, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (1993)


  • 1. Unish shotoker upekkhito mohakabbya `Devizudya' (Nineteenth century nationalist epic Debizuddya: Some obsevations), Presented article, The Nineteenth Century: Construction and Deconstruction :: Two Day International Seminar, 24th-25th September,Organized by Department of Bangla, Tripura University, India (2024)
  • 2. `Bangla Nirikkhamulok kobita’ (`Bangla experimental Poetry’, Talk on `Bengali experimental Poetry’, The Granthee Institute of Literature & RadhaRaman Society, St. Margaget’s House, London. (2018)
  • 3. `Rabindranather Monnusshotta sadhona’ (`Rabindranath’s pursuit of humanity’), ÔInternational seminar on `Rabindranath : Inner Vision of Art & Literature’. Rabindra Bharati University, India; (2018)
  • 4. `Sujt Chawdhurir Atmajoibonik racanay deshkal’ (Contemporary reflections in Sujt Chawdhuri’s autobiographical works) ,Internatinal Conference on Bengali Society, Language & Literature: Cultural Transaction among neighbour(s), Shidu-Kanhao-Birsha University, West Bengal, India; (2017)
  • 5. 2016 : Pathar Language: A Linguistics Study.International Conference on Critical Engagement in Antropological Landscape in Bangladesh. Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh; (2016)
  • 6. Invited Lecture - 2015 : ‘Rashtrabivajan o Vagyanirnay: Prashanga Shrihotto-vag’ (Partition of State and Determining of Fortune : About Partition of Shrihotto). Pramesh Bhattacharya Memorial Speech, 2015, Karimgaunj College, India; (2015)
  • 7. 2015 : ‘Bangla Haiku: Form, Technique and Trend’. A seminar on 4th International Congress of Bengal Studies. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo, Japan ; (2015)
  • 8. Invited Lecture - 2014 : ‘Pramita Bangla Vasha: Bangladesh Prashanga’ ( Standard Bangla Language: About Bangladesh) . Language Academy Speech. Borak Valley Bangla Language and Culture Conference & Assam University (2014-15), India; (2014)
  • 9. 2013 : ‘Shah Abdul Karimer Atmasmriti: Jibandarshaner Shilpavashya’ (Self-Memoir of Shah Abdul Karim : Commentary on the Art of Philosophy of Life). ‘The Third International Congress of Bengla Studies 2013’. Kolkata University, India; (2013)
  • 10. 2013 : ‘British Birodhi Andolon o Shuhashini Dash’ (Rebellion Against the British Empire and Shuhashini Dash). A seminar on ‘Gender, Education and Female Child Labour : A Sociological Perspective’. University of Assam, India; (2013)
  • 11. 2012 : ‘Patra Jatigosthi : Ekti Shamikkha’ (Patra Ethnic Group : A Study). BAPA-BEN-SUST Convention 2012. SUST, Sylhet.Bangladesh (2012)
  • 12. 2012 : ‘Deshvag o Hasan Azizul Haquer Galpa’ (Partition and the Story of Hasan Azizul Hauque). Presented in a Seminar on ‘Partition of Bengal, Diaspora & Rehabilitation : Quest for New World View in Literature & Culture of North East India’. Assam University, India; (2012)
  • 13. Invited Lecture - 2011 : ‘Shampratik Bangladesher Kabitar Prabanata’ (Trends in Contemporary Poetry). A Seminar on Contemporary Bangla Poetry. Dept. of Bangla, University of Assam, India. (2011)
  • 14. 2011 : ‘Nazruler Kabitay Nimnabarger Maush’ (The suboltern in Nazrul’s Poems). National Nazrul Conference : 2011. Nazrul Institute, Ministry of Culture, Bangladesh; (2011)
  • 15. 2009 : Mohammad Raqfiqer Kabita : Bishay o Rachanashaili (Mohammad Rafiq’s Poetry : Theme and Diction). Speeches of the Poet Mohammad Rafiq. Life and Existence, Jahangirnagar University; (2009)
  • 16. 2006 : ‘Nishanagosthi o Shamakalin Deshkal’ (The Nishana and Contemporary period). Presented on a Seminar on Lately Extinct Monthly Nishana : Background and Review, Sylhet, Bagladesh; (2006)
  • 17. 2005 : ‘Kaler Dwairath o Rabindragalpa’ (Contemporary Conflict and Rabindranath’s Story). A seminar on Re-evaluating Rabindranath’s Short Stories. Academy of Two R’s, Sylhet; (2005)
  • 18. 2005 : ‘Sylheter Lokaja Shilpakala o Protnoshampad’ (Sylhety Folk-art and Antiquities). Presented in a Seminar on Folk-art by Bangladesh Art Academy, Sylhet, Bangladesh; (2005)


  • April, 2021 to Present : Professor, Dept. of Bangla, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet; Bangladesh
  • June, 2016 to March 2021 : Associate Professor, Dept. of Bangla, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet; Bangladesh
  • September, 2012 to May, 2016 : Assistant Professor, Dept. of Bangla, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet; Bangladesh
  • March, 2011 to August, 2012 : Lecturer, Dept. of Bangla, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet;
  • October, 2010 to February, 2011 : Assistant Professor, Dept. of Bangla, National University;
  • 2001-2009 : Lecturer, Dept. of Bangla, National University.

Awards & Recognition

  • (2019), Bangladesh Shilpakala Academy Award of Research in Culture 2019, Sylhet.
  • (2019), Lila Majumder Award of Education & Research 2019;
  • (2017) Brac Award of Education: Shikkha Aggraduuta 2017;

Graduate Supervision

  • 1. PhD.: 02 on going;
  • 2. M.Phil.: 03 Completed (01, on going)
  • 3. M.A.Thesis: 05 (five) Completed
  • 4. Supervise graduate and undergraduate Students: Since 2011to till have been acting as the research supervisor to help the students of Hon’s and Master programmes of Bangla Department in preparing and presenting their seminar papers for semester final examination.
  • 5. PhD thesis examiner: Department of Bangla, Assam University, India; Jahangirnagar University, Bangladesh & Rajshahi University, Bangladesh