MSc in Development Studies (Governance and Development) (2013-2014) With Distinction Institute of Development Policy and Management, University of Antwerp, Belgium
M.S.S. Public Administration (2005) CGPA-3.85 on a scale of 4.00 with Distinction (Position: First), Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
B.S.S. (Honors) Political Studies and Public Administration (2004) CGPA-3.59 on a scale of 4.00 (Position: First), Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
Research Interests
Trust and Confidence in Public Institution
Police Administration
Professionalism and Ethics in Public Administration
Local Government
Active Research Project
1. Principal Investigator: Trust in healthcare service providers: Does non-medical factor matter?, funded by University Research Center, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh, 2022-2023.
2. Principal Investigator: Trust in healthcare service providers: Does non-medical factor matter? funded by University Research Center, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh, 2021-2022.
3. Principal Investigator: Citizen Satisfaction and Trust in Government: An investigation into the role of Public Service Delivery, funded by University Research Center, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh, 2020-2021.
4. Principal Investigator: Confidence in the police performance: Can community policing make a difference?, funded by University Research Center, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh, 2019-2020.
5. Principal Investigator: Procedural Justice, Police Legitimacy and Public Support for Policing: Understanding Public Perceptions, funded by University Research Center, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh, 2018-2019.
6. Principal Investigator: Citizens’ Trust in Political and Public Institutions: Understanding Public Perception, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh, 2018.
Previous Research Project
1. Principal Investigator: Trust in Public Institutions: Understanding Citizens’ Perception, funded by University Research Center, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh, 2017-2018.
2. Principal Investigator: Public Perception of Police Efficacy and Image: The Quest for Reform, funded by University Research Center, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh, 2015-2016.
3. Principal Investigator: Searching Professionalism of Police Administration in Prevention and Detection of Crime, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh, 2012.
4. Principal Investigator: Re-centralizing while Decentralizing: Challenges for Responsive Administrative Culture at Urban Local-Self Government Institutions, funded by University Research Center, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh, 2012.
5. Researcher: The Working of Upazila Parishad (Sub-district Council of Local Government) in Bangladesh, Upazila Parishad Study Project, UNDP, 2010.
6. Researcher: The Working of Upazila Parishad (Sub-district Council of Local Government) in Bangladesh, Upazila Parishad Study Project, UNDP, 2010. Project Director: Socio-economic Impact of Women Entrepreneurship: An Analysis of SMEs in Sylhet City, Social Science Research Council, Planning Division, Ministry of Planning, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, 2010.
7. Research Associate: Problems in Access to Primary Education of the Indigenous Peoples: An Analysis on Children of Khasi (an Ethnic group) Community, Foundation for Research on Educational Planning and Development (FREPD), Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2008-2009.
External Affiliations
2020 : Human Right Defender, Monobadhikar Shongskriti Foundation (msf)
2020 : Executive Member, Public Administration Alumni Association, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
2018- Ongoing : Treasurer, Society of Public Administration- a teacher-student association of the Department of Public Administration, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology,Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh.
2015- ongoing : Chairman, Shulla Soccar Nagorik Foram (Active Citizen Forum, Shulla): Main purposes of the organization are to make people conscious about the harmful effect of smoking and drug addiction, make the rural people conscious about their right to know the information (of public office, local government council, NGO’s etc.), campaign against corruption, free blood donation and raise voice against social evil. Very recently we arranged a “Free Blood Donation Camp” on September 30, 2012.
2002 - Ongoing : Blood Donor at Bangladesh Red Crescent Society and SHONDHANI, Bangladesh
2017 : Joint Secretary, Shahjalal University Teachers' Association (elected by direct vote of teachers of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh)
2013 : Joint Secretary, Shahjalal University Teachers' Association (elected by direct vote of teachers of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh)
2010-ongoing : Adviser, SUST Sunamganj Association: Vision of the organization is to “Stand beside the Humanity”. The organization organized a “Human Chain” to protest “Violence against Women” on September 18, 2012.
2011 : Executive Member, Shahjalal University Teachers' Association (elected by direct vote of teachers of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh)
2007-2008 : Vice-President, Society of Public Administration- a teacher-student association of the Department of Public Administration, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology,Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh. I have organized many important events such as cultural program, picnic, and study tour etc.
Journal Publications
1. Justice for Rural People through Village Courts: Perspective of Accessibility and Effectiveness,
2. Tanny, T. F. and Al-Hossienie,C. A. (2019). “Trust in Government: Factors Affecting Public Trust and Distrust”, Jahangirnagar Journal of Administrative Studies, No. 12, pp. 49-63.
3. Al-Hossienie,C. A. andBegum, A. (2019). “Policing as Public Service: Can the Police Deliver it Alone?” in Ahmed, N. (Eds.). Parliament, Public Policy, Local Government and Public Service Delivery in Bangladesh, Dhaka:University Press Limited (UPL). [accepted for publication and copyright form signed]
4. Al-Hossienie, C. A.; Kamal, M. M.; and Yasmin, S. (2019). Problems of Bangladesh Police: Quest for Reform Agenda,Journal of Politics and Administration,4(1): 191-209.
5. Kamal, M. M.; Begum, A. and Al-Hossienie,C. A. (2018). “Role of Ward Councilors in Decision-Making Process of Urban Local Government Bodies: A Study on Sylhet City Corporation”.Journal of Governance and Innovation, 4(2): 51-69.
6. Kamal, M. M.; Begum, A. and Al-Hossienie,C. A. (2017). Decision-Making Process of Sylhet City Corporation: Who Plays Dominant Role?, Commonwealth Journal of Local Governance. 2017, 20: 146-157,
7. Begum, A.; Uddin, M. N.; Al-Hossienie,C. A. and Hamiduzzaman, M. (2014). Choice of Leadership at Urban Local Government in Bangladesh: A Study of Pourasabha (Municipality) Election, Greener Journal of Public Administration and Policy Research,1 (1): 001-007.
8. Al-Hossienie, C. A. and Barua, S. K. (2013). Applications of e-governance towards theestablishment of digital Bangladesh:Prospects and challenges, Journal of E-Governance, 36 (2013): 152–162. DOI 10.3233/GOV-130351
9. Uddin, M. N.; Al-Hossienie,C. A. and Hamiduzzaman,M. (2012). Application of cross-national social research: Methodological dimensions and challenges in comparative analysis, Universal Journal of Education and General Studies, 1(7): 210-215, ISSN: 2277-0984. Available at,
10. Chowdhury, M. S. and Al-Hossienie, C. A.(2012). Quest for an Effective and Efficient Local Government: Local Government in Japan and Policy Implication for Local Government in Bangladesh, Lex Localis Journal of Local Self-Government, 10 (3), pp. 247-264, ISSN: 1581-5374. Available at,
11. Al-Hossienie, C. A.(2012). Can Bureaucracy and Professionalism Develop Together?: A Study on BCS (Administration) Cadre in Sylhet District, Bangladesh, Asian Profile, 40 (4): 333-350.
12. Al-Hossienie,C. A. (2011).Socio-Economic Impact of Women Entrepreneurship in Sylhet City, Bangladesh, Bangladesh Development Research Working Paper Series (BDRWPS), Bangladesh Development Research Center (BDRC), July 2011, 2508 Fowler Street, Falls Church, VA 22046-2012, U.S.A. Available at,
13. Al-Hossienie,C. A. (2009).Rule of Law: Legal Provisions and Practices in Bangladesh, The International Journal of Development Affairs, No. 1, Vol. 1, December 2009, pp. 75-92, ISSN 2076-6041.
14. Begum, A. and Al-Hossienie,C. A. (2009).Professionalism of Police Administration in Bangladesh: Theory and Practice,Journal of Administrative Studies, No. 2, pp. 131-140, ISSN 1999-5946.
15. Al-Hossienie, C. A.; Chowdhury, M. S. and Islam, F. (2009). Empowering Rural Women in Bangladesh: The Role of Union Parishad as a Local Self-Government Body, SUST Journal of Public Administration, I (II): 77-95. ISSN 2073-8293.
16. Islam, M.S.; Uddin, M. N.; and Al-Hossienie,C. A. (2008). The Independence of Judiciary in Bangladesh: A New Milestone and Its Challenges, Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration, Vol. XVII, No. I, 2008, ISSN 1563-5032.
Introduction to Public Administration
Local Government
Police Administration
Professionalism and Ethics in Public Administration
Lab: Application of Statistics with SPSS in Public Administration
Awards & Recognition
VLIR-UOS Scholarship (2013), for the Academic Year 2013-2014 to peruse study MSc in Development Studies (Governance and Development) in Institute of Development Policy and Management (IOB), University of Antwerp, Belgium
Book Prize (2007), in the convocation of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh for outstanding result in B.S.S. (Honors)
University Merit Scholarship (since 2002 - 2008), Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
Graduate Supervision
1. 2020-2021: Effect of Police Visibility in Reducing Fear of Crime among Citizens in Sylhet, Bangladesh
2. 2019-2020: Citizen’s Satisfaction in Public Service Delivery: A study on Rural Local Government
3. 2018-2019: Public Trust in Health Care Institutions: Evaluating People’s Perceptions
4. 2016-2017: Can Community Policing Make a Difference in Reducing Crime?: Understanding Citizen’s Perceptions
5. 2015-2016: Procedural Justice, Police Legitimacy, and Public Cooperation with the Police: Evaluating Citizens Perceptions
6. 2014-2015: Trust in Government: Public Perception of Democratic Institutions and the Public Sector
7. 2013-2014: Public Perception towards Police on the Delivery of Quality Services: A Study on Sylhet Metropolitan Police (SMP)
8. 2013-2014: Professional Ethics in Public Service: Can it Plays Role of Whistle Blowing for Wrong Doings of Public Servants?
9. 2012-2013:Justice for Poor through Village Courts: Quest for Effectiveness from Villagers Perspectives