The Department of Public Administration was conjunct with the Department of political studies named as Department of Political Studies & Public Administration (PSA). Almost half of the courses of formerly PSA were about public administration. Due to the contemporary job market, demand for skilled managers,s and the necessity of independent departments, the university authority has finally opened a new discipline namely Public Administration in 2005. The Department of Public Administration at Shahjalal University of Science& Technology offers a BSS Honours degree in Public Administration, which provides and enhances the scope and opportunity for the comprehensive study of public administration from multidimensional perspectives. The above-mentioned degree is designed to prepare and boost up the learners in modern administration style for employment in the public and private sectors globally. A degree in public administration prepares timely steps to produce competent administrators and strong leaders who can contribute to the development of our country and the world at large. The objectives of the offered programs entities are: • The offered degree wishes to prepare the graduates, which will demonstrate the appropriate skills to be able to administer public programs in their chosen subfield of public administration in particular public management, healthcare administration, non-profit management, and environmental administration. • The offered program will construct and enhance theoretical and practical knowledge on the administration and management of public organizations, human resources, and public finance with increasing the knowledge on values and ethics functioning with public development programs. • The program focuses on demonstrating of understanding the contemporary issues of administrative policy settings and providing knowledge on solving these challenges effectively. • This program would also include the areas of healthcare management, public policy analysis, gender issues and development, development administration, information, and commutation technology, comparative administration, sustainable environmental management, human resource planning, urban administration, security administration, administrative law, organization culture, professionalism and ethics and research methodology from different angles for gaining knowledge in understanding the theoretical context and their practical application in development arenas. • Students will demonstrate expertise and proficiency in communicating and interacting productively across academic disciplines, private and public organizations, and diverse public audiences regarding contemporary issues on multidimensional perspectives.
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