Faculty Profile

Dr. Md. Assraf Seddiky

Professor & Head

Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Public Administration, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801716152809
  • Email: [email protected]


Mr. Seddiky was born in 1980 in a remote village in Jessore district. From a very young age, he was blustery and indomitable in nature. Even after losing his father at the age of three, he continued his study with great difficulty in the family of nine brothers and sisters.
In 1995, he successfully passed the secondary examination from the social sciences group with letter marks in six subjects. After that, in the higher secondary examination of 1997, he obtained a glorious result with a board stand from the Jashore cantonment college in Humanities group, and admitted to the desired “Dhaka university.”

He achieved first class in both the Honors and Mastersdegree in Public Administration from Dhaka university-known as the Oxford of the East. He then took part in the 27th BCS examination and was recommended for the post of Assistant Commissioner of Police. But before the publication of the BCS results, he joined atShahjalal University of Science and Technology as a lecturer in 2006 and settled here permanently, as his lifelong dream was to teach at the university. Since then, he has been involved in focusing on research on a variety of topics to provide quality and timely education to students. He also participated in many national and international conferences to enrich his skills and experience. He has a good number of articles published in the open-access, and Scopus-indexed international journals with a reference number of citations. Mr.Seddikydreams of building a golden Bangladesh by spreading the light of education among the deprived and impoverished children and establishing social justice.


  • PhD - Disaster management , University of Newcastle , Australia
  • MSc - Governance and Development , University of Antwerp , Belgium
  • MSS - Public Administration ,University of Dhaka , Bangladesh
  • BSS - Public Administration ,University of Dhaka , Bangladesh
  • HSC - Humanities , Cantonment College, Jashore, Bangladesh
  • SSC - Social Sciences, J. Dighirpar high school, Bangladesh

Research Interests

  • Mr. Seddiky is fond of conducting research and monitoring student researchers on NGOs, environment, disaster, agriculture, public health, child labor, poverty and vulnerability, public policy, decentralization, comparative higher education, and other socio-economic development issues.
  • Web of Science Researcher ID: GYD-6340-2022
  • ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-0117-709X
  • Google Scholar ID: https://scholar.google.com/citations?authuser=1&user=MLGGjLAAAAJ

Active Research Project

  • 1. UGC Funded Project: Enhancing Government Initiatives for Enhancing Covid-19 Vaccine Uptake among Ethnic Minority Communities of Bangladesh: a Study in Sylhet Division( 2022-23)
  • 2. SUST Research Centre Funded : Health Seeking Behavior among Indigenous Women in Bangladesh: a Study on Manipuri Community of Sylhet Division(2023-24)
  • 3. Ministry of Planning Funded: Status and critical issues of human rights to third gender of Bangladesh: A study in Sylhet, Mymensingh, and Dhaka city. Funded by the Social Science Research Council, Planning Division. Ministry of Planning, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh.

Previous Research Project

  • 1. Enhancing Community Participation in Local Development Projects in Bangladesh: Experience from UPGP Projects( 2022-23).

External Affiliations

  • Mr. Seddiky has been engaged in giving lectures to the international undergraduate and postgraduate students at Newcastle University on the topic based discussion on behalf of his mentors.
  • Member of the Shahjalal University Academic Council
  • Executive Member of the Institute of Modern Language nominated by the SUST academic Council
  • Editorial board member of the International Journal of Community and Interculturality in Dialogue
  • Editorial board member of the SUST Journal of Social Sciences
  • Executive member of the Global Development and Research Initiatives (GDRI)
  • College inspector (Part time) nominated by the honorable Vice Chancellor
  • Reviewer of International journal of disaster risk reduction
  • Reviewer of International Journal of earth science,
  • Reviewer of Disaster journal, Disaster journal,
  • Reviewer of Francise and Taylor pe
  • Permanent editorial member of the Team Publons –European scientific journal.
  • Member of the Board of Advanced Studies SUST -nominated by the academic council

Journal Publications

  • 1. Overcoming Challenges in COVID-19 Vaccination among Ethnic Minority Groups in Bangladesh: A Qualitative Exploration. World Journal of Vaccines. Vol.14 N0.2. https://doi.org/10.4236/wjv.2024.142002 (2024)
  • 2. Exploring Potential Human Health Risks Linked to Heavy Metal(Loid)sin Dietary Fishes: Utilizing Data‑Driven and Computational Modelling Approaches. Biological Trace Element Research. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12011-024-04363-6 (2024)
  • 3. Enhancing community participation in local development projects: The Bangladesh context. European Scientific Journal. Vol.20(19):84-10):84 (2024)
  • 4. Seddiky, MA. et al.,(2024). Climate change-induced hazard risks and migration in Bangladesh: A case study. International Journal of Current Research in Environmental Sustainability (ELSEVIER). 7: 100253 (2024)
  • 5. Seddiky, MA. et al. (2023). Satisfaction Level of Slum Dwellers with the Assistance of the City Corporation during COVID-19: The Bangladesh Context (2023)
  • 6. Seddiky, M.A. et al. (2022). Short and Long-Term Health Risks and Complexities among Caesarean Mothers and Babies in Bangladesh: A Case Study (2022)
  • 7. Seddiky, M.A. et al., (2022). Impact of Non-DRR NGO’s Interventions for Community-based DRR Mainstreaming in Bangladesh: a Case study (2022)
  • 8. Seddiky, M. A. et al. “Philosophical Underpinnings of Disaster Risk Reduction Research: the Case for Social Constructivism”. (2021)
  • 9. Seddiky, M. A. et al.(2021).“Non-DRR NGOs strategies for livelihood development in the coastal communities of Bangladesh: a case study” (2021)
  • 10. Seddiky, M.A. (2020). Decentralized health service delivery systems in Bangladesh: Evaluating community clinics in promoting healthcare for the rural poor. European Scientific Journal, 16(12): 253-282. (2020)
  • 11. Seddiky, M.A., Giggins, H., &Gajendran, T. (2020). International principles of disaster risk reduction informing NGOs strategies for community-based DRR mainstreaming: The Bangladesh context. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 48(10): 1-10. (2020)
  • 12. Seddiky, M.A. (2019). Local Government and Key Challenges of Service Delivery System: Experience from Healthcare Provision of Bangladesh. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Economics and Management Science, 10(1): 1-11. (2019)
  • 13. Decentralization Strategies for Ensuring Peoples' Participation at Local Level Development in Bangladesh: Theory and Practice. International Journal of Advancement in Social Sciences and Humanities 1(1): 86-107. (2016)
  • 14. Ara, E. & Seddiky, MA. (2015). Impact of Grameen Bank Microcredit Program on the Livelihood Status of Women Beneficiaries in Bangladesh. (2015)
  • 15. Seddiky, M.A, Ara, E., &Khatun, F. (2015). Eve teasing and the decadence of social values in Bangladesh: How many innocent faces are to be lost! American International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts, and Social Science, 10(2):140-148. (2015)
  • 16. Seddiky, M.A., & Rahman, S.T. (2015). Role of Union Health and Family Welfare Center to promote maternal education and reduce child mortality rate in Bangladesh. Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies (JETERAPS) 6(2): 169-181. (2015)
  • 17. Seddiky, M. A., &Ara, E. (2015). Application of e-governance in education sector to enhance the quality of education and human resource development in Bangladesh. European Scientific Journal, 11(14): 386-404. (2015)
  • 18. Seddiky, M. A., Ara, E., & Yasmin, S. (2014). Role of Union Information and service centre (UISC) to promote healthcare facilities for the rural poor in Bangladesh. American International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts, and Social Science, 8(2): 201-210. (2014)
  • 19. Seddiky, M.A. (2014). Causes and consequences of rural-urban migration in Bangladesh: What would be the next? International Research Journal in Organizational Psychology and Educational Studies, 4(2): 18-28. (2014)
  • 20. Seddiky, M.A. (2014). Poverty and Social Vulnerability of Stone Quarry Workers inBangladesh: An Ethnographic Study. International Journal of Emerging Trends in Educational Research and Policy Studies, 5(6): 684-694. (2014)
  • 21. Seddiky, M. A., &Ara, E. (2013).Health quality management of Public and private hospitals in Bangladesh: A study in Sylhet city. Journal of Politics and Administration, 1(1): 95-114. (2013)
  • 22. Women Entrepreneurship in Small and Medium entreprise in Sylhet: Empowerment Perspective. Journal of Empowerment, 12: 107-122 (2011)
  • 23. Gender discrimination in indigenous community of Bangladesh: A study on Manipuri and Garo society in Sylhet. Journal of society & Change, 5(2): 46-60 (2011)
  • 24. Women Construction Workers in Sylhet: A Study on Their Socio-Economic Condition and Problems. Journal of Empowerment, 11: 39-56. (2010)
  • 25. Female Tea Workers in Sylhet: A Study on their Health Condition. Journal of Society & Change 4(4): 41-51. (2010)
  • 26. Globalization: An Ungratified Debate between Developed and Developing Countries. SUST Journal of Public Administration, 1(1): 99-110. (2008)


  • Teaching Interest: Teaching seems like a form of worship to me rather than a profession. I think to be a good teacher, you have to be theright person first because the teacher's behavior and actions strongly influence the students. With this great objective in mind, I dream of building my students as the future driver of the nation-building through academic education as well as the development of human and moral qualities in them. I always encourage my students to take up time-oriented education to capture global thinking at the local level. I am still eager to disseminate my acquired knowledge and experience to my students through classroom settings and other formal and informal events.I also believe that the direct discussion and sharing with students in the classroom and other academic performance will enrich my ideas and experience to promote my academic caliber.

Awards & Recognition

  • Dr. Seddiky received prime minister award in 1997 based on the outstanding result of his HSC exam.
  • He also got Belgian government scholarship for MSc degree in 2015.
  • Finally, Dr. Seddiky obtained IPRS( International Post Graduate Research Scholarship for pursuing his PhD degree from Australian Government in 2017.
  • He obtained government scholarship in 1995 in recognition of the outstanding result of his secondary exam
  • Dr. Seddiky obtained Dhaka university merit scholarship in 2001

Graduate Supervision

  • 1. Supervisor: Dr. Seddiky. MSS thesis on" Understanding the impact of child marriage on the reproductive health of adolescent girl in Bangladesh. Student. S J. Ikfa
  • 2. Supervisor: Dr. Seddiky. MSS thesis on" Contribution of NGO-Community Collaborative Network for Enhancing Community Resilience towards Disaster: Bangladesh Context. Student. Naznin. A. Nisa.
  • 3. MPhil Evaluation . Dr. Seddiky. Accountability of public health service delivery of local government institution in Bangladesh: A case study in Kishoregonj poroshava. Pabna University of Science and Technology, Pabna.
  • 4. PhD evaluation. Dr. Seddiky. Simplification of government services delivery process: A study on field Administration of Bangladesh. Student -Md. Lutfur Rahman. Jahangir Nagar University, Savar -Dhaka.