Ph. D (1982). in Experimental Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, USA
MSc. (1974) in Theoritical Physics, University of Dhaka
BSc. (Hon's- 1973) in Physics, University of Dhaka
Research Interests
Bangla OCR
Bangla Speech to Text
Bangla Natural Language Processing
WDM Network
Optical Communication
Non-Linear Optics
Journal Publications
1. Ujjal Kumar Bhowmik, M. Zafar Iqbal, Reza R. Adhami; Mitigation Motion Artifacts in FDK based 3D Cone-beam Brain Imaging System using Markers; Central European Journal of Engineering, May 2012
2. Transformational Generative Grammar for Various Types of Bengali Sentences. M. Reza Selim and M. Z.Iqbal; SUST Studies of SUST; Vol. 12; March, 2010
3. A Bangla Spell Checking System. M. S. Rahman, C. K. Karmakar, S. M. S. Shams and M. Z. Iqbal, SUST Studies of SUST, Vol. 10, Sep. 2008
4. Bangla Sorting Algorithm – A Linguistic Approach. M. S. Rahman and M. Z. Iqbal; SUST Studies of SUST, Vol.8, Dec, 2007
5. Integrated Four-Wavelength DFB laser array with 10 Gb/s Speed and 5 om continuous Tuning Range. L. A. Wang, y. H. Lo, A. S. Gozdz, P. S. D. Lin, M. Z. Iqbal and R. Bhat, lEE Photon. Technol. Lett, vol. 4, pp 318-320, April 1992
6. Tunable Four Wavelength DFB Laser Array with 10 Gb/s Sped and 5 nm Continuous Tuning Range, L. Wang, Y. Lo, M. Iqbal, A. S. Gozdoz, P. S. D. Lin, R. Bhat and H. Shirkomann, Accepted for Optical Fiber Communication 1992. TM-ARH-019933, 8/29,1991
7. New Limit on Neutrinoless Double Beta Decay in Xenon 136 with a time projection Chamber. H. T. Wong, F.Boehm, P. Fisher, K. Gabathuler, H. E. Henrikson, D. A. Imel, M . Z. Iqbal, V. Jorgens, L. W. Mitchell, B.M. O'Callaghan-Hay, J. Thomas, M. Treichel, J. C. Vuilleurnier and J. L. Vuilleurnier, Phys. Rev. Lett., Vol. 67, No 10, pp 1218, 1991
8. Low Threshold and high speed 1.5 urn strained layer multiple quantum well four wavelength distributed feedback laser arrays. C. E. Zah, K. W. Cheung, S. G. Menocal, R. Bhat, M. Z. Iqbal, F. Favier, N. C. Andreadakis, A.S. Gozdoz, M. A. Koza and T. P. Lee, OFC 91, San Diego, Elect. Lett.,Vol. 27, NO 12, pp 1040-1041, 1991
9. Multigigabit/s operation of 16 wavelength Vertical-Cavity Surface Emitting Laser Array, M.W. Maeda, C.Chang-Hasnain, A. Von Lehman, H. Izadpanah, C. Lin, M. Z. Iqbal, L. Florez and J. Harbison. Photon. Tech.Lett. Vol. 3, No 10, pp 863, 1991
10. Observation of Equivalent Rayleigh Scattering MiITors in Lightwave systems with optical amplifiers., J. L.Gimlett, M. Z. Iqbal, N. K. Cheung, A. Righetti, F. Fontanna and G. Grasso, IEEE Photonic Tech. Lett., Vol 2, No 3, pp 211-213, 1990
11. Performance of Directly Modulated DFB lasers in 10 Gb/s ASK, FSK and DPSK lightwave systems, R. S. Vodhanel, A. F. Elrefai, M. Z. Iqbal, R. E. Wagner and J. L. Gimlett, J. Lightwave Technol, vol. 8, p 1379, 1386, 1990
12. Impact of Multiple Reflection Noise in Gbit/sec Lightwave Systems with Optical Fiber Amplifiers, J. L. Gimlett, M. Z. Iqbal, L. Curtis, and N. K. Cheung. Elect. Lett. 25, p1393, 1989
13. Monte Carlo Simulation of Electron Trajectories in High Pressure Xenon, M. Z. Iqbal, B. M. G. OCallaghan and H. T. Wong, Nuel. Inst. Meth. A253 (1987) 278
14. Study of Prototype Xenon TPC, M. Z. Iqbal, B. G. OCallaghan, F. Boehm, Nucl. Inst. Meth. A243 (1986) 459
15. A Technique for Measuring Parity non Conservation in Hydrogenic Atoms, E. G. Adelberger, T. A. Trainor, E. N. Fortson, T. E. Chupp, M. Z. Iqbal and H. E. Swanson, Nucl. Inst. Meth. 179 (1981)181
16. Multi gigabit/sec 1.5 urn 1/4 lambda shifted DFB OEIC Transmitter and its use in transmission experimes
17. Design and Construction of a High Pressure Xenon Gas TPC
18. An 11 Gb/s 151 kIn Transmission Experiment Employing a 1480 nm Pumped Erbium Doped in-line Fiber Amplifier
19. 10 to 20 Gbit/s modulation performance of 1.5 urn distributed feedback lasers for frequency-shift-keying systems
20. An 11 Gbit/sec 260 kIn Transmission Experiment Using a Directly Modulated 1536 om DFB Laser with Two Er-Doped Fiber Amplifiers and Clock Recovery
21. A Low Cost Pulse Shape Digitizer for a Time Projection Chamber
22. Low threshold Four Wavelength DFB Laser Array for multigigabit/s High -Density WDM Systems Applications
23. Effects of Gain Ripples in Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers on Very-High-Speed Lightwave Systems
24. The Effect of Pulse Shaping on the Transmission Performance of 11 Gbit/s Lightwave Systems
25. An 11Gb/s optical transmission experiment using a 1540 om DFB laser with non-return-to-zero modulation and a PIN/HEMT receiver
26. The Electronics for the High Pressure Xenon Gas Time Projection Chamber
27. Patent No: 5392154 Title: Self-regulating multi wave length optical amplifier module for scalable lightwave communications systems
28. Patent No: 6226111 Title: Inter-ring cross-connect for survivable multi-wavelength optical communication networks
29. Patent No: 5550818 Title: System for wavelength division multiplexing/asynchronous transfer mode switching for network communication
1. 10 Gbits/s Direct Differential Phase Shift Keying Modulation and Direct Detection Experiment, R. S. Vodhanel, M. Z. Iqbal, J. L. Gimlett and L. Curtis, CLEO 90, Anaheim, California, 1990
2. A Time Projection Chamber for Double Beta Decay in Xe 136: A Progress Report
3. A Time Projection Chamber for Observing Double Beta Decay in 136Xe
4. Low threshold and high speed 1.5 urn strained layer Multiple quantum we1l4-wavelength Distributed Feed Back laser
5. 10 Gbits/s Direct Differential Phase Shift Keying Modulation and Direct Detection Experiment
6. Real Time Data Acquisition for a Time Projection Chamber Using a High Speed DEC LSI to UNIX UDP¬TCP/IP Interface
7. A Xenon Time Projection Chamber for Double Beta Decay
8. A 2.5 Gb/s SONET DataIink with STS-l2c Inputs and HIPPI Interface for Gigabit Computer Networks.
9. An OC-48 SONET Optical Transmission System for Gigabit Computer Networks
10. A 94 km 11Gb/s NRZ transmission experiment using a 1540 om DFB laser with an optical amplifier and a pin/HEMT receiver
11. Effects of Gain Ripples in Semiconductor Optical Amplifiers on Very-High-Speed Lightwave Systems
12. Multiwavelength Dispersion Compensation for 1550 om Transmission at 2.5 and 10 Gb/s over 1310 om¬Optimized Single Mode Fibers
13. An 11 Gbit/sec 260 km Transmission Experiment Using a Directly Modulated 1536 om DFB Laser with Two Er-Doped Fiber Amplifiers and Clock Recovery
14. 10 Gbits/s DFB MODFET Transmitter OEICs for High Speed Transmission and Optical Interconnects.
15. 10 Gb/s Direct Detection Lightwave Technology
Discrete Mathematics
Fiber Optics
Digital Logic Design
Electrical Circuit
Electronics Devices
Numerical Analysis
Semi Conductor
Electromagnetic Fields and Wave
Awards & Recognition
Quazi Mahbubulla Zebunnesa Award 2002
Khalekdad Chowdhury Literary Award 1410
Sheltech Liteary Award 2003
Uro Child Literary Award 2004
Md. Mudabber-Husne ara literary Award 2005
Marcantile Bank Ltd. Award 2005
Bangla Academy Literary Award 2005
One of the 10 living Eminent Bengali 2005 (Nominated by on line voting)
American Alimony Association Award 2005
Dhaka University Alimony Association Award 2005
Naittamoncho Award ’05, Naittamoncho, Sylhet
Uro Child Literary Award 2006
Shishu Academy Agrani Bank Shishu Shahitto Award 1408 Era