SUST (Shahjalal University of Science and Technology) Society
“In the name of Almighty, Who awarded us the Best among the entire living being”
Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST)” produces some of the best Engineers in the country. In line with that noble intention, the Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh made a historical decision to set up a Civil and Environmental Engineering Department at the holy land of Shahjalal (RA), enriched with the natural beauty and resources i.e. at Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) in 1995. The Graduated Engineers of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department sincerely remember and recall at their every footstep of their life that the nation had spent a significant part of the national revenue and resources behind them to develop them as the best citizen of the country. Hence, ‘Graduated Engineers of CEE’ believe it is their noble duty and turn to honor the nation’s contribution by accomplishing commendable services to the nation both in their professional and social life.
Realising that united effort of the ‘Graduated Engineers of CEE’ can meaningfully achieve their ultimate goal toward the nation, the ‘Graduated Engineers of CEE’ hence decided to form an Alumni Association. The sense of balance is part of the life of an Engineer, therefore, to ensure the systematic and indisputable functioning of the Alumni Association – a guideline is required, and this Constitution of the Alumni Association of Civil and Environmental Engineering Department (SUST) will serve that noble purpose.
1. NAME:
The name of the organization shall be “Civil & Environmental Engineer’s ALUMNI, SUST Society”, hereinafter referred to as the “CEE Alumni SUST Society”. It is a benevolent organization of the former/graduated students of the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST)”.
2.1 The Permanent office of the organization shall be in Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) and operational office shall be at Dhaka. However, there may be branch offices in any place outside Sylhet and Dhaka subject to the prior written approval from the Executive Committee, if necessary;
2.2 The CEE Alumni shall be an organization of perpetual succession with an official seal;
2.3 The official logo of the organization shall be defined as the symbol of ‘Engineering for Sustainable Development’ and only be used by the CEE Alumni SUST Society authority and by any other authority only upon proper approval. The logo shall be printed on the official letterhead pad and all documents issued by the CEE Alumni SUST Society.
3.1 The operation of the organization shall be limited to the FORMER students of the Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, SUST employed in different professions within Bangladesh or in any place in the world;
3.2 For operational purpose and maintaining accounts of the organization, the year of the organization will be the calendar year, i.e., starting from 1st January and ending on 31st December;
The motto, objectives and functions of the organization shall be:
4.1 Motto: The motto of the organization shall be ‘Engineering for Sustainable Development.’
4.2 Major Objective: The major objective of the organization is to work as a social welfare organization through various social, cultural, and other benevolent programs for the benefit of the alumni, CEE Department and the society.
4.3 Specific goals
To provide a forum for Civil & Environmental Engineers to exchange ideas and experiences.
To contribute to the development of Civil & Environmental Engineering education and practice in the country;
To take efforts for environmental protection and development through research, innovation and technology development and promotion;
To build up relationship among the members of the organization through cultural, social and welfare programs;
To highlight the problems and prospects of the Civil & Environment academics and professionals through different media, journal, publication etc;
To hold seminar, symposium, workshop, debate and discussion on matters relating to Civil & Environment and allied fields with a view to further develop the discipline;
To make liaison with other Engineering Associations in home and abroad and exchange views and ideas, take up various projects jointly and arrange exchange programs between various organizations in home and abroad;
To unite the members of the organization in the bonds of friendship, fellowship and mutual understanding through arranging reunion, picnic, tour, sports, etc; and
To encourage efficiency and promote high ethical standard in engineering profession;
4.4 Functional activities: Following activities will be undertaken with a view to achieving the objectives of the organization
To arrange events (re: training/workshop/conference) for existing and new Civil & Environmental Engineering educators and professionals and for the new graduates as well;
To create an employment cell in order to facilitate employment of the Civil & Environmental Engineering graduates in the most suitable positions commensurate to their education and training;
To offer stipend, scholarship and fellowship in order to broaden the ways of higher education for the poor and meritorious students;
Where necessary and if required, to take donation in the forms of movable and immovable property, exchange those and also to establish premises;
To take projects on generation and enhancement of income and thereby increasing income, forming capital and using those to attain the Major and Specific objectives defined in this constitution where necessary and also execute the functional activities;
To publish journals for the publicity and dissemination of information;
To maintain books of accounts on income and expenditures and to spend the income on new programs and for administrative purposes and also to evaluate programs taken;
To open bank account or accounts and operate all the financial matters under prescribed rules;
To formulate policies and necessary by-laws for proper operation and management of the organization;
It will be a non-political, non-communal, non-profit making social service organization established for welfare-oriented development.
CEE Alumni SUST Society
For the purpose of the present Constitution of CEE Alumni SUST Society, the following expressions shall have the meanings hereunder assigned to them:
i. CEE ALUMNI SUST SOCIETY means Graduated Engineer’s Society of Civil and Environmental Engineering Department (SUST);
ii. Members mean General Members of CEE ALUMNI SUST SOCIETY unless otherwise specified;
iii. Civil and Environmental Engineering Department means, unless otherwise specified, Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of Shahjalal University of Science &Technology;
iv. Executive Committee or Committee means the highest governing body of CEE ALUMNI SUST SOCIETY;
v. Year means 365 days or any other legitimate definition as adopted by the Committee;
vi. Constitution means the present Constitution of CEE ALUMNI SUST SOCIETY including the amendments made to it from time to time;
vii. Batch means the batches enrolled in Civil and Environmental Engineering Department (SUST) as students in a particular academic session;
viii. Graduated Engineer means the ex-students of Civil and Environmental Engineering Department (SUST) unless otherwise mentioned.
ix. Convention means the Yearly General Meeting of the Association.
x. Reunion means get together of all – CEE ALUMNI SUST SOCIETY members, existing & ex- teachers, staff, guests, and existing students at Civil and Environmental Engineering Department (SUST) after couple of years.
Membership is open to all graduates of Civil & Environmental Engineering Department, SUST.
Membership and participation in this organization shall be free from discrimination based on gender, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, political beliefs, disability, sexual orientation, and age.
2.1 Categories of the Membership
There will be four (04)categories of membership:
(1) General Member
(2) Associate Member
(3) Lifetime Member
(4) Honorary Member
General Member:
This membership is open for all graduates of Civil & Environmental Engineering Department, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST), Sylhet (subject to their application for membership). All the members can participate in the AGM, vote for the Election of Executive Committee, nominated for the position of Executive Committee. Members can also enjoy all the benefits that CEE Alumni SUST Society provides time to time.
Associate Member:
This membership is open for the 4th year students of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of SUST and those who have served or are serving in the Civil & Environmental Engineering Department, SUST as Faculty Member (but not graduated from CEE, SUST) or 1st class officers (subject to their application for membership). Associate Members shall not participate in the AGM, cannot vote for the Election of Executive Committee but can participate in all the activities arranged by the collaboration of CEE Alumni SUST Society. They can also participate in the professional workshops, Seminar and Training upon approval from the CEE Alumni SUST Society.
Lifetime Member:
Life membership shall have to be accorded by the Executive Committee on the basis of general members extraordinary contributions towards association or outstanding professional excellence. Lifetime members have all the facilities of membership as well as they are will be treated as the most honored member for all time.
Honorary Member:
Other than CEE graduate, this membership shall be conferred by the Committee at its sole discretion on individuals who are distinguished professionals in the field of Civil & Environmental Engineering or who have rendered outstanding service to the ALUMNI. Honorary Members can participate in the programs arranged by CEE Alumni SUST Society only upon invitation. Honorary Members neither can vote for the Election of Executive Committee nor be nominated for the position of Executive Committee.
2.2 Subscription, Fees/donation and Right
A. Member:
To be a member of CEE Alumni SUST Society, any person eligible to be a member will have to fill up a prescribed membership form with an entry fee of Taka 300 (three hundred) only.
For the continuance of his/her membership, a member shall have to subscribe annually to the Association
The General Member will have to pay Taka 500 (five hundred) only per year as a subscription.
One has to pay the yearly subscription fee from the year 2013 who have passed before or 2013
Those who have passed after 2013, the passing year will be considered as registration time so they have to pay the yearly subscription from their passing year.
Associate members after graduation shall become a general member after paying the yearly subscription.
B. Life member:
Any General Member may become Life Member by paying at a time an amount of 20 (twenty) times of the annual subscription or any other amount as decided by the Executive Committee.
C. Associate Member:
Any person eligible will have to fill up a prescribed Associate membership form with an entry fee of Taka 100 (one hundred) only.
Associate members shall have no annual fee.
D. Honorary member:
Honorary members shall have no membership fee or annual fee.
The rates of entry fee and subscription may be changed the time to time by the Executive Committee of the organization. Any member can donate any amount of money at any point of time to the committee or to the treasurer.
All General members and Life Members will be entitled to all rights and privileges subject to the obligations, which the organization confers or implies. But Associate Members and Honorary members cannot hold any responsible post of the organization and they will have no voting right. However, they can participate any research, training, social and cultural activities.
Exemption from Subscription:
The Executive Committee may exempt any member from paying his annual subscription upon a written application from him to the Executive Committee stating the reasons for his inability to pay the subscription with a request for an exemption.
2.3 Suspension/cancellation of the membership and resignation
2.3.1 Any member who will be found to act against the interest of the organization may be expelled or his/her membership may be suspended for any particular period by at least two-thirds votes of the Executive Committee. However, before taking any such action, a show cause notice should be served on the concerned member at least 21 days before to explain his position.
2.3.2 Any member may resign from this organization and such resignation shall become effective upon acceptance by the Executive Committee. However, the Executive Committee may withhold acceptance, until all indebtedness has been paid and all funds and property of the organization, if any, have been returned.
2.3.3 The membership of the organization shall be ceased inevitably if any member:
(a) Resigns and the resignation is accepted by the Executive Committee;
(b) Does not pay subscriptions and due for at least three years and the Executive Committee has not decided otherwise;
(c) Remains absent in three consecutive general meetings without any prior notice;
(d) Has been impeached by at least two-thirds votes of the general or extraordinary meeting;
(e) Dies, or becomes insane, or is punished by a court of law, or is declared guilty by a court of law.
2.3.4 Any person who lost his/her membership due to any of the first four reasons mentioned in the preceding sub-article
2.3.5 May apply subsequently for reinstatement of his/her membership with an undertaking that he/she shall never involve in future with the grounds of the cancellation of his/her membership. Upon approval of the reinstatement by the Executive Committee, the member shall have to pay the entry fee, due subscriptions and other outstanding.
2.3.6 The Executive Committee may also suspend the membership of a member if a competent Court of Bangladesh convicts him for any grievous crime.
Executive Committee
3.1.1 There will be an Executive Committee comprising the following 19 (Nineteen) office-bearers, however, the Executive Committee bears the right to appoint additional Executive Members as Batch Representatives from any batch:
1. President: 1
2. Vice-President: 2
3. General Secretary: 1
4. Joint Secretary: 2
5. Treasurer: 1
6. Organizing Secretary: 1
7. International Communication Secretary: 1
8. Publicity & Communication Secretary: 1
9. Education and Research Secretary: 1
10. Cultural & Sports Secretary: 1
11. Office Secretary: 1
12. Social Welfare Secretary: 1
13. Executive Members 5
3.1.2 The term of the Executive Committee shall be a period of two years commencing from the date of the first meeting of the Committee. But the existing committee will continue functioning unless the next committee takes charge of the office.
3.1.3 No office-bearer shall receive any honorarium, remuneration or compensation for any service rendered to the organization in his official capacity unless decided or approved by the executive committee.
3.1.4 Batch Representative: To assist the Executive Committee and assure more participation in the “CEE Alumni, SUST Society” activities - one representative shall be decided from each batch. However, they will not have the voting power in Executive Committee meeting.
3.2 Duties and Powers of the Executive Committee
3.2.1 Duties and powers of the Executive Committee will be as follows:
a) Executive Committee will be responsible for the implementation of policies and programs of the organization.
b) It may appoint sub-committees for any particular activity or program of the organization. Such committees shall cease to function on completion of the program
c) Executive Committee shall formulate the policy and procedures, programs and activities for the organization and shall implement the same.
d) The executive committee shall approve divisional or district level management chapter if required. Each chapter shall arrange programs, workshops & all other actives that allows this society upon the approval of the executive committee. In the same way, an Executive committee shall dissolve any chapter if required.
3.2.2 Notwithstanding anything contained in the article of this constitution, any eligible member from whatever sex can contest or hold for any post of the Executive Committee or any other sub-committee or the panel of advisers.
3.2.3 A person can be elected for major four positions i.e President, General Secretary, Treasurer, and Organizing Secretary not more than consecutive two times. But he/she can again compete after period of one term (two years).
3.3: Individual Responsibilities of the Office Bearers
3.3.1 President
a) The President shall be the Chief Executive of the organization and shall preside over the meetings of the Executive Committee and General Meeting of the organization.
b) He will coordinate activities among all the office-bearers and will be responsible for successful implementation of any program of the Organization.
c) If necessary, he may confer the responsibility of conducting a meeting on a Vice-President.
d) He shall also represent the Alumni in its dealings with outside persons.
e) He may exercise his voting authority where there is equal vote(s) in a situation given undervote.
3.3.2 Vice President-I & II
In the absence of the President and/or if the President is unable to perform the duties of his office for any reason, the Vice- President-I or next in rank, shall occupy his position and perform his duties with the same authority as the President. Each Vice-president shall under the direction of the President oversee the functioning of the organization and will cooperate with the office- bearers to implement the policy and/or program of the organization. The Vice-president shall likewise have such other duties and powers as the President may delegate.
3.3.3 General Secretary
He/She shall be under the supervision and direction of the President and act as the liaison person between the Executive Committee and the organization. He will be the Chief Executing Officer of the organization. In fulfillment of this, he/she shall:
a) Issue notice of all the meetings in consultation with the President;
b) Submit reports to the Executive Committee meetings as well as General Meeting;
c) Prepare minutes of the meeting and preserve the same;
d) Circulate all decisions, policies and programs among the members;
e) Have custody and keep and maintain all records, assets and properties;
f) Place the budget, income and expenditure accounts, balance sheet and other activities of the organization in the Annual General Meeting;
g) Maintain the daily routine expenses and take approval of the expenses in the next meeting of the Executive Committee;
h) Be the ex-officio member of all the sub-committees formed; appoint and retrench any employee, subject to the prior approval of the Executive Committee; and
i) Supervise the functions of other Secretaries with special charges.
3.3.4 Joint Secretary-I & II
In the absence of the General Secretary and/or if the General Secretary is unable to perform his duties of the office for any reason, the Joint Secretary-I or next in rank, shall occupy the position and perform his duties with the same authorities as the General Secretary. Joint Secretary-I shall supervise directly the Treasurer, Education and Research Secretary, Women welfare Secretary and Office Secretary. Joint Secretary-II shall supervise directly the Organizing Secretary, International Communication Secretary, Publication and Communication Secretary and Cultural & Sports Secretary.
3.3.5 Treasurer
a) Shall receive all money receivable by the organization and deposit the same in bank account or accounts of the organization;
b) Will make arrangement, in consultation with the General Secretary, for the payment of all dues payable by the organization. All Cheques and vouchers shall be signed by him and countersigned by either President or General Secretary; and
c) Will be the custodian of all financial records in consultation with the General Secretary.
d) The Finance Secretary shall recommend to the Executive Committee the appropriate revision of all dues. The Finance Secretary shall develop an annual financial statement on the activities of the Alumni and provide to the Executive Committee. He/She shall prepare annual budget for the Alumni.
3.3.6 Organizing Secretary
a) He/She will be responsible to create, maintain, initiate and implement program for membership growth and development of the organization.
b) He/she shall receive and maintain a current file of the Association Member.
c) He/She shall establish and maintain an active corporate sponsorship solicitation drive.
3.3.7 International Communication Secretary
He/She will make communicate other Engineering Associations abroad to form a liaison with them with a view to exchanging views and ideas, taking up various projects jointly and arranging exchange programs with them.
3.3.8 Publicity Secretary
He/She will act like a Data Bank of the organization He will create, maintain and develop a positive image of the organization as a public relation officer. He will publicize matters of the organization by publishing leaflets, posters, bulletins, souvenirs, albums, etc. and by using other means of publicity.
3.3.9 Education and Research Secretary
His/Her responsibility includes taking various research issues on academic and professional issues on accounting, publication of articles, research reports, yearly reports, journals, etc. of the organization.His/Her duties will be establishing online/virtual library and developing thereof and also organizing cultural competition, cultural evening, etc. among the members of the organization. A CEE department faculty member, suggested by the majority of the faculty members of the CEE Department, who is also a member of CEE Alumni SUST Society shall be appointed for this position.
3.3.10 Social Welfare Secretary
His/Her responsibility includes taking various welfare issues on CEE Alumni SUST society’s organizational, Personal (Any members crisis) or National calamities. He/she address the issue and drive campaign related to these issues.
3.3.11 Executive Members
Their duty is to cooperate with the other office-bearers in performing their duties and to participate in the programs/activities undertaken by the organization.
3.4 No Confidence Motion
i. If it is apparent that the activities of the Executive Committee or any or more of its members are injurious to the Society or if their activities are controversial to this Constitution, the General members may bring 'NO CONFIDENCE MOTION' against them.
ii. Any such motion shall require a joint letter to that effect signed by (a.) at least ten members from each Batch or (b.) 150(One hundred fifty) General Members. The Letter shall be directed to the President of Executive Committee.
iii. ThePresident of Executive Committee shall call a Special General Meeting within one month of receiving the letter to discuss the issue and to conduct the vote of Confidence.
iv. If the members present at the Special General Meeting passes the motion by a Two Third Majority the concerned member(s)' post shall be vacant. If the Motion is against the whole Committee the Executive Committee shall be dissolved and new election will be held.
v. New election shall be conducted by the outgoing Executive Committee and must be held within two months from the Special General Meeting.
vi. The new election shall follow the same procedure of a normal Executive Committee Election.
3.5 Local Chapters:
i. The Executive Committee may permit to establish local chapter under this Constitution as the primary units of the Association. The Central Executive Committee shall specify the Jurisdiction of such Chapter(s).
ii. If any local Chapter is established, the Alumni habitually residing in that locality shall become the Members of that Chapter. It shall be mandatory for the members to belong to the Local Chapters within its jurisdiction. Members may change his attachment from one to another through an application to the Executive Committee.
iii. A member can register himself in only one Local Chapter at a time.
iv. The local Chapter shall collect the subscriptions from the Members within its jurisdiction and adjust the accounts with Central EC Treasurer on payment. It may collect additional subscriptions from the Chapter Members provided most of them agree to the enhancement but shall not collect any donation or contribution from the extraneous sources without the prior written permission of the Central Executive Committee.
v. Local Chapters shall be independent in their activities but their main object shall be to promote the aims and objectives of the CEE Alumni, SUST Soceity as provided in this Constitution.
vi. The Central Executive Committee shall prepare the rules and regulations for Local Chapters and their management and shall audit its Accounts from time to time.
vii. The Central Executive Committee shall regulate the Members living outside Bangladesh unless forming any local Chapter.
4.1 With the exception of any special ground, the office-bearers of the Executive Committee of the organization shall be elected at a regular interval of two years through an election process to be held in the Annual General Meeting.
4.2 Outgoing Executive Committee shall convene and conduct the election and appoint an Election Commission consisting of one Chairman and two members appointed by the Executive Committee at least a months before the election. The Chairman and the members of the Commission shall be selected from the members of the organization, who will not intend to contest in the election.
4.3 The Election Commissioner shall finalize the procedure of election in accordance with Constitution. He will declare the names of the Batch-Representatives selected by majority of each particular batch. Batch representatives should be declared at least One week before the AGM by Election Commission. Election Commission will contact all batches regarding this issue.
4.4 The President, General Secretary, Organizing Secretary and Treasurer are in any circumstances must be elected on direct voting. The newly elected President, general Secretary and Treasurer and the Batch Representatives will elect/select the other 15 members of the Executive Committee in the presence of the Election Commissioner.
4.5 There will be some qualification required for President, General Secretary and Organizing Secretary. The President must have at least 12 years valid working experience and have to be IEB fellow and also to be life member of this society, General Secretary must have at least 10 years valid working experience and have to be IEB fellow and also to be life member of this society, Organizing Secretary must have at least 06 years valid working experience and have to be IEB member. For these three post candidates have to have experience as organizer in his university life. Any person intended to participate in the election shall have to be the member of the organization before at least one (01) year of the date of election and his subscriptions and other dues to the organization shall have to be cleared up to the end of the year of election.
4.6 The Election Commission shall have to publish the list of all eligible members on the notice board of the organization before at least 7 (seven) days of the election.
4.7 Any eligible member intending to participate in election shall have to submit nomination paper dully filled up in FORM prescribed by the Election Commission at least 10 (ten) days before the date of election as specified by the Commission. Candidates can withdrawal of his/her nomination in written to Election Commissioner before three (03) days of the Election date.
4.8 The nomination paper shall accompany a money-receipt of Tk. 500 (five hundred) for the post of President, Tk. 400 (four hundred) for the post of General Secretary, Tk. 300 (three hundred) for the posts of Treasurer and Organizing Secretary and Tk. 200 (two hundred) for the rest members of the Executive Committee. The money shall be non-refundable and paid in cash to the office of the organization.
4.9 The Election Commission shall declare, at least before one month of the election, the election schedule specifying the last dates of submitting nomination paper, scrutinizing the same, publishing the list of valid candidates, timing of taking election, the procedure of giving votes and the publishing the results of the election.
4.10 The election will be held in secret ballot system, if there are more candidates than the number of sanctioned post/posts. The eligible members will give one vote against one candidate for a particular post of the Executive Committee.
4.11 The authority to cancel any vote or to settle any dispute on election shall be reserved by the Election Commission. In case of tie for any post, a toss shall be done by the Election Commission to declare the candidate won.
4.12 The results of the will be declared as per the election schedule and the Executive Committee shall assume the charge of the office of the organization within 15 (fifteen) days of date of election.
4.13 No member can compete for more than one portfolio
5.1 Regular meeting of the Executive Committee:
The regular meeting of the Executive Committee of the organization shall be held bi-monthly. Notice of regular meetings shall be signed by the General Secretary. A seven-day’ notice shall be given for regular meetings. If any meeting cannot be held for the absence of the quorum, the adjourned meeting will be held at the time and venue decided at the meeting adjourned. No notice shall be required to hold such adjourned meeting.
5.2 Special meeting of the Executive Committee:
The special meeting may also be called by the President if deemed necessary and such meeting may be called with a 24-hours’ notice.
5.3 Annual General Meeting
An Annual General Meeting of the Organization shall be held in each calendar year. At least 30 (Thirty) days’ notice will be necessary for convening the same. Following matters will be placed in the Annual General Meeting as a regular program for the approval of the meeting:
(a) Annual accounts and audit report of the organization;
(b) Annual plan and budget of the organization; and
(c) fill-up of any vacant post of the Executive Committee;
5.4 Extraordinary General Meeting
The General Secretary, in consultation with or being ordered by the President, or on the application in writing by at least two-thirds members of the General Body, will convene an Extraordinary General Meeting with a pre-specified agenda. All other the provisions of the Annual General Meeting will be applicable for this meeting.
5.5 Special-Purpose Meeting
On application to the President in writing by at least two-thirds members of the General Body for discussing any special issue or taking the decision on the same, the President will take initiatives to hold a Special-Purpose Meeting. Nothing other than the special issue shall be discussed in this meeting. A fifteen-day notice will be required.
5.6 Quorum
The presence in person of at least one-third or six of the members of the Executive Committee shall be necessary for a quorum at all meetings of the Executive Committee. At least fifty or fifty percent of the applicant shall have to be present at the Extraordinary General Meeting or Special-Purpose Meeting to form a quorum.
6.1 Financial Management
6.1.1 On recommendation by the Executive Committee, a bank account or accounts will be opened in order to make transactions of fund of the organization.
6.1.2 All bank accounts shall be operated by joint signature of the Treasurer and the General Secretary or the President.
6.1.3 In pursuance of the decision by the Executive Committee, the President and the General Secretary will be able to spend or approve spending up to Taka 50,000 (Fifty thousand) and the Organizing Secretary will be able to spend or approve spending up to Taka 10,000 (Ten Thousands) in a single bill at their individual capacity. In emergency cases, this limit can be exceeded by a joint decision of the President, the General Secretary and the Treasurer. But for all cases, approval shall be taken in the next meeting of the Executive Committee.
6.1.4 The Treasurer will keep not more than Taka 20,000 (Twenty thousand) at a time with him for maintaining regular incidental expenses.
6.1.5 A report on all receipts and expenditures is to be placed in the Annual General Meeting for approval.
6.2 Formation/Collection/Receipts of the Fund
6.2.1 Membership fee, subscription, donations received from the members, well-wishers, Government and business community will constitute the fund of the organization.
6.2.2 Earnings through the publication of the journal, booklets, News Letters, books, souvenirs, etc. will also contribute to the fund of the organization.
6.2.3 Earnings through training programs, research and other projects, the consultancy will also contribute to the fund of the organization.
6.2.4 All receipts shall be taken in the official Receipts Book printed by the organization and counter-signed by the General Secretary. The Treasurer will take all the receipts with the Receipts Book and deposit the same in the bank account(s). The treasurer will report the status of the fund after each fifteen-day interval.
6.3 Audit
6.3.1 A practicing chartered accountant and a Committee consisting of two members of the organization nominated by the President and approved by the Executive Committee shall audit all the books of accounts and financial records of the organization and submit a report thereof.
6.3.2 One or both of the Committee members shall counter-sign all the bills paid by the organization after proper verification. Any objection arisen them shall be recorded properly for presentation to the Executive Committee.
7.1 This constitution may be amended at any Annual General Meeting of the organization by the affirmative vote of the two-thirds of the members of the General Body present in person and participated in the voting, provided the Executive Committee has previously considered the merits of the amendment.
7.2 No amendment shall be put to vote, unless stating the proposed amendment prior to the AGM by either in the agenda papers or mailed/uploaded in the social communication media opened to the members of the organization at least Thirty days prior to the General Meeting at which the vote on the proposed amendment is to be taken all the amendments will take place after the meeting minutes approval in the following Annual General Meeting or Extra Ordinary General Meeting.
8.1 If three-fifths of the members of the General Body individually wants in writing to wind up the organization, it can be done in an Annual General Meeting with the presence of those members in person.
8.2 If on the winding up or dissolution of the Organization there shall remain, after the satisfaction of all its debts and liabilities, any property whatsoever, the same shall be handed over to Association of Civil and Environmental Engineering Department of SUST for the promotion of Civil and Environmental education and practice in the country.
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