Faculty Profile
Dr Mohammad Salah Uddin
Associate Professor
Contact Information
Dr Mohammad Salah Uddin was born in 1981 in Satgaon, Chandina, Comilla. He completed his SSC from Gomta Ishakia High School, Muradnagor, Comilla, and HSC from Comilla Victoria Govt. College. In 1999, Dr Salah Uddin got admitted in the Department of Mathematics at SUST, Sylhet. He completed his BSc (Hons.) in Mathematics with CGPA 3.90 and MS in Mathematics with CGPA 3.97. In both examinations, he achieved the Top Position among all the graduates from the Department of Mathematics of the same year. In 2008, Dr Salah Uddin got the UNESCO Fellowship for Post Graduate Diploma (PGD), a pre-PhD diploma in Mathematics, at the Abdus Salam International Center for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy.
PhD in Mathematics, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh
PGD (Pre-PhD diploma) in Mathematics, ICTP, Trieste, Italy
MS (Thesis) (1st Position) in Mathematics, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh
BSc (Honors) (1st Position) in Mathematics, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh
Research Interests
Integer Sequences, MSC: 11Y55, 11-04
Enumerative Combinatorics, MSC: 05A15, 05-04, 05-08
Combinatorics of Posets (Partially Ordered Sets), MSC: 06A06, 06A07
Computational Aspects of Ordered Algebraic Structures, MSC: 06-04, 06-08
Active Research Project
1. Implementations of the matrix methods for combinatorial aspects of cyclic graphs, SUST Research Center, PS/2024/1/25.
Previous Research Project
1. Algebraic coding for secured data transmission, SUST Research Center, PS/2016/11.
2. Theory of ordered sets as the generalization of lattice theory and its application to searching techniques, SUST Research Center, PS/2017/28.
3. Algorithms for decomposing posets into terms and factors by using the poset matrix, SUST Research Center, PS/2018/1/09.
4. Enumeration of n-element posets by using the poset matrix, SUST Research Center, PS/2019/1/20.
5. Recognition of N-free posets by using the poset matrix and its application to enumeration, SUST Research Center, PS/2020/1/19.
6. Recognition and enumeration of posets with bounded decomposition diameter, SUST Research Center, PS/2021/1/14.
7. Recognition and enumeration of the unlabeled quasi-full t-ary rooted trees with n elements, where n>t≥2, SUST Research Center, PS/2022/1/20.
8. Implementations of the matrix methods for combinatorial aspects of posets and lattices, SUST Research Center, PS/2023/1/19.
External Affiliations
Life Member, Bangladesh Mathematical Society (AA-852).
Student Advisor, Dept. of Mathematics, SUST (Aug 2021 to Sep 2022).
Resource Person: MATLAB (Programming and Simulation) and Python (Numpy, Pandas, Matplotlib).
Developer of the Web App: Online Algebra Solution Engine (OASE), https://oase.daffodilvarsity.edu.bd.
Author of the Integer Sequences A349276, A349488, A350635 (P-series), A350772, A356558 (Series-parallel posets), A350783 (N-free posets), and A352460 (Quasi-full rooted trees) published in the Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences (OEIS), https://oeis.org.
Journal Publications
1. S. U. Mohammad, M. R. Talukder, and S. N. Begum, Recognition of decomposable posets by using the poset matrix, Italian Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 50 (2023), 455-466.
2. S. U. Mohammad, M. S. Noor, and M. R. Talukder, An Exact Enumeration of the Unlabeled Disconnected Posets, Journal of Integer Sequences, 25 (5) (2022), Article 22.5.4.
3. S. U. Mohammad and M. R. Talukder, Interpretations of Kronecker product and ordinal product of poset matrices, International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 16 (4) (2021), 1665–1681.
4. S. U. Mohammad and M. R. Talukder, Poset matrix and recognition of series-parallel posets, International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, 15 (1) (2020), 107-125.
5. S. U. Mohammad, Computing dimension of affine varieties using Groebner basis approach, IOSR Journal of Mathematics, 8 (3) (2013), 36-39.
1. S. U. Mohammad, D. Das, and M. R. Talukder, A Polynomial-Time Algorithm for Constructing Nondecreasing Integer Partitions and Its Application, Second Int. Conference on Mathematics and Applications (ICMA) 2024, 13-15 December 2024, Nepal Mathematics Society, Kathmandu, Nepal.
2. S. U. Mohammad and M. S. Noor, Matrix recognition of the rooted trees and its application to enumeration, 1st International Conference in Physical Sciences (ICPS) 2022, 21-23 October 2022, School of Physical Science, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
3. S. U. Mohammad, M. S. Noor, and M. R. Talukder, Recognition and enumeration of unlabeled N-free posets by using the poset matrix, 22nd International Mathematics Conference 2021, 10-11 December 2021, Bangladesh Mathematical Society (BMS), Bangladesh.
4. S. U. Mohammad, M. R. Talukder, and S. N. Begum, Computing structural properties of finite posets, 5th International Conference on Engineering Research, Innovation and Education (ICERIE) 2019, 25-27 January 2019, School of Applied Science and Technology, SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
5. S. U. Mohammad and M. R. Talukder, Augmentation of poset matrices for sum and product of posets, 20th International Mathematics Conference 2017, 08-10 December 2017, Bangladesh Mathematical Society (BMS), Bangladesh.
Book/ Book Chapter
1. S. U. Mohammad, Computational Algebraic Geometry and Groebner Basis: A Classical Introduction, Lambert Academic Publishing, Illustrated Edition, 2013.
Real Analysis I and II
Vector and Complex Analysis
Linear and Abstract Algebra
Theory of Order and Lattices
Computational Algebraic Geometry
MATLAB, Python, and Mathematica
Awards & Recognition
Book Prize of the Convocation 2007 (for achieving the first position among all graduates of the year 2003), SUST.
Higher Education Scholarships (for achieving the first position among all graduates of the year 2003), UGC, Bangladesh.
Post Graduate Diploma Fellowship (for pre-PhD diploma in Mathematics) of the academic year 2008-09, The Abdus Salam ICTP, Trieste, Italy.
NST Fellowships (for doctoral studies in Mathematics) of the academic years 2017-18 to 2019-20, Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.
Graduate Supervision
1. BSc Project: Former (07), Current (03)
2. MSc Project: Current (02)
3. MSc Thesis: Current (01)
4. PhD (Co-supervisor): Current (01)