Faculty Profile
Shareefa Yasmeen
Contact Information
Currently designated as Professor in English, I joined Shahjalal University of Science and Technology in December 31, 1995. Since then I have been a part of various extra-curricular activities of the Department and various organizations. I had been the beginner counsellors of Photographers' Association, Chokh Film Society and Ahona Parshad, and one of the active counsellors of Theatre SUST. I presided in more than twenty-five programs of Debating Society, SUST, and took part in all kinds of student activities. I had always been involved in Department programs and activities and had been the manager cum coach of Department Handball and Football team for a long time.
Ateneo de Manila University, Philippines 1989-1991 Master of Arts (Specialized in American literature)
University of Rajshahi 1981 1985 .B.A.. (Honours) in English Literature Results published in September 1988
Research Interests
American Literature, Local Communities
Active Research Project
Previous Research Project
1. 1. Manipuri Rituals: A Case Study of Sylhet Division by Shareefa Yasmeen and Md. Mizanur Raahman.
External Affiliations
a. Took Open University Lectures through October 1997 to December 2000.
b. Attended Computer courses and workshop arranged by Commonwealth Science Council (CSC), London through 26-31 July 1997, held in University of Asia Pacific, Dhaka.
c. Acted as the presentator in the Seminar and attended the Workshop jointly arranged by USAID, The Ministry of Agriculture, and Sylhet Chamber of Commerce on 22 November 1999.
d. Did Article Reviews and Proof Reading for SUST Journal for many years (lease check attachment no. 4).
Journal Publications
1. 5. Yasmeen, Shareefa. “The Psychology of the Handicapped: The Story of Joy-Hulga”. SUST Journal of Social Sciences. September 2017. pp. 43-45.
2. 4. Yasmeen, Shareefa. “The Theme of Light and Darkness in JhumpaLahiri’s ‘A Temporary Matter’”. SUST Journal of Social Sciences. April 2016. pp. 93-96.
3. 3. Yasmeen, Shareefa and Rahman, Md. Mizanur. “Nikolai Gogol’s’ The Nose’: An Abstract Satire. SUST Journal of Social Sciences. June 2014. pp. 71-74.
4. 1. Ismail, ibneIshrat and yasmeen, Shareefa. “A Passage to India and Heart of Darkness: A Comparative Study of Anti-Colonialism”. SUST Jurnal of Scial Sciences.June 2014. Pp. 8-11.
5. 2. Rahman Md. Mizanur and yasmeen, Shareefa. “Hemingway’s Santiago”. SUST Journal of Social Sciences.December 2012. pp. 51-54.
1. Yasmeen, Shareefa. Jhumpa Lahiri and Diaspora. International Conference, Department of English, SUST.
American Poetry, Drama and Fiction, Arabian Persian Literature, Existentialism.
British Novel and Poetry, Continental Literature
Awards & Recognition
Served as Head of the Department from 2009-2011
Served as the provost of Begum Sirajunnesa Chowdhury Hall from September 2015 to October 2019
Graduate Supervision