Faculty Profile

Shahnaz Mahmud


Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of English, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801716254923
  • Email: [email protected]


  • M.Phil (ELT and Applied Linguistics), 2009. Department of English, Jahangirnagr University, Savar, Dhaka.
  • M.A, 1991 (Exam held in 1995), Department of English, Chittagong University, Chittagong
  • B.A (Honours), 1990 (Exam held in 1993), Department of English, Chittagong University, Chittagong

Research Interests

  • Second Language Acquisition, Second Language Writing, Bilingualism, Metacognition, Metalearning, Psycholinguistics

External Affiliations

  • Convener, Souvenir Committee, BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology (BUFT) 1st Convocation Committee March 2018- February 2020
  • Member, Self Assessment Committee, Department of English, IQAC, SUST (2016-2018)
  • Convener, Curriculum Development Committee, Department of English (2016-2018)
  • Examiner, Department of English, Islamic University (2009-2011), Examiner, Open University (2013-2016)
  • Assistant Provost, Ladies Hall, SUST (2004-2005)
  • Convener, English Council, Department of English (2003-2004)
  • English Language Curriculum Specialist, ELTIP, NCTB, Dhaka (Oct 1999- July 2001)

Journal Publications

  • 1. Mahmud, S . (2020). The Role of Rehearsal in L2 Writing. SUST Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 31 (2) p. 34-58 (2020)
  • 2. Mahmud, S. (2018). English language classrooms: Major approaches to effective communication in writing. Journal of Business, Society and Science. 6. ISSN: 2072-5701 (2018)
  • 3. Mahmud, S. (2018). Should teachers use L1 in EFL classroom? Journal of NELTA, 23(1-2). 25-39. ISSN: 2019-0487 (2018)
  • 4. Mahmud, S. (2017). An Investigation of Undergraduate Students’ English Writing Strategies. Southeast University Journal of English Department, 2(1),18-26.ISSN: 2519-1543. (2017)
  • 5. Mahmud, S. (2016). An investigation of four Bangladeshi students’ EFL writing strategies. SUST Journal of Social Sciences, 25(2),7-15. (2016)
  • 6. Mahmud, S. (2016). Effect of teacher’s questioning on ctudents’ critical thinking. Southeast University Journal of English Department, 1(1), 92-101.ISSN: 2519-1543. (2016)
  • 7. Mahmud, S. (2015). EFL teachers’ and students’ perceptions and preferences in error correction and feedback. Harvest, Jahangirnagar University Studies in Language and Literature, 3. ISSN: 1729-8326. (2015)
  • 8. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on “the 21st Century Classroom: Directions, Issues and Changes”, 8-9 August 2014 at ULAB, Dhanmondi (2014)
  • 9. Mahmud, S. (2012). Error Analysis and Feedback in the EFL classroom. Explorer, Journal of Faculty of Humanities and Law 3. 1-2 .ISSN: 1998-5568. (2012)
  • 10. Mahmud, S. (2009). Errors in the free composition of undergraduates: A linguistic analysis. Explorer, Journal of Faculty of Humanities and Law, 2 (1&2), 137-155. ISSN: 1998-5568. (2009)
  • 11. Maniruzzaman, M., and Mahmud, S. (2008). Teaching composition writing in English as a foreign language (EFL) at the tertiary level: A balanced curricular and instructional approach. Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration 17 (2), 111-127. ISSN: 1563-5032. (2008)


  • 1. Paper presented at 23rd NELTA International Conference on “Content, Language and Technology: Perspectives and Prospects in ELT, 15-17February 2018 in Gyaneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal, (2018)
  • 2. Paper presented at the 6th BELTA International Conference, Multiple Realities of English: ELT and Beyond held on 18-20 January, 2013 at TTC, Dhaka (2016)
  • 3. Paper presented at National Conference 2015 on “English Studies in Bangladesh: Reconsidering Conceptual Paradigms”, 10October 2015 at SEU, Tejgaon, Dhaka (2015)
  • 4. Paper presented at BELTA National Conference 2014 on “English Language Education in Bangladesh: Effective Practices and Sustainability”, 31May 2014 at SUST, Sylhet (2014)
  • 5. Paper presented at English Language Teaching International Seminar 2009 on “Alternative Methodologies in ELT”, 28 July 2009 at UKBET, Sylhet (2009)
  • 6. Paper presented at the National Symposium on “Classroom Research”,19 November 2000 at British Council, Dhaka (2000)


  • Professor, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet
  • Associate Professor, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet (8 March 2012 till date)
  • BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology, Dhaka (on lien from 20 February 2018 to 17 February 2020)
  • Assistant Professor, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet (February 2004 to 7 March 2012)
  • Lecturer, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet (01 July 2001 to February 2004)
  • Lecturer in English, Feni Government College, Feni (January 1999 to September 2001)
  • Lecturer in English, Modan Mohan College, Sylhet (October 1997 to January 1999)

Awards & Recognition

  • UGC PhD Grant
  • Jahangirnagar University Scholarship for MPhil
  • DFID, UK Grant for attending Writing Course at the College of St. Mark and St. Johns, Plymouth, UK (Oct 1999- December 1999)

Graduate Supervision

  • 1. Supervised Graduate students in every academic semester.