M.Phil (ELT and Applied Linguistics), 2009. Department of English, Jahangirnagr University, Savar, Dhaka.
M.A, 1991 (Exam held in 1995), Department of English, Chittagong University, Chittagong
B.A (Honours), 1990 (Exam held in 1993), Department of English, Chittagong University, Chittagong
Research Interests
Second Language Acquisition, Second Language Writing, Bilingualism, Metacognition, Metalearning, Psycholinguistics
External Affiliations
Convener, Souvenir Committee, BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology (BUFT) 1st Convocation Committee March 2018- February 2020
Member, Self Assessment Committee, Department of English, IQAC, SUST (2016-2018)
Convener, Curriculum Development Committee, Department of English (2016-2018)
Examiner, Department of English, Islamic University (2009-2011), Examiner, Open University (2013-2016)
Assistant Provost, Ladies Hall, SUST (2004-2005)
Convener, English Council, Department of English (2003-2004)
English Language Curriculum Specialist, ELTIP, NCTB, Dhaka (Oct 1999- July 2001)
Journal Publications
1. Mahmud, S . (2020). The Role of Rehearsal in L2 Writing. SUST Journal of Social Sciences. Vol. 31 (2) p. 34-58
2. Mahmud, S. (2018). English language classrooms: Major approaches to effective communication in writing. Journal of Business, Society and Science. 6. ISSN: 2072-5701
3. Mahmud, S. (2018). Should teachers use L1 in EFL classroom? Journal of NELTA, 23(1-2). 25-39. ISSN: 2019-0487
4. Mahmud, S. (2017). An Investigation of Undergraduate Students’ English Writing Strategies. Southeast University Journal of English Department, 2(1),18-26.ISSN: 2519-1543.
5. Mahmud, S. (2016). An investigation of four Bangladeshi students’ EFL writing strategies. SUST Journal of Social Sciences, 25(2),7-15.
6. Mahmud, S. (2016). Effect of teacher’s questioning on ctudents’ critical thinking. Southeast University Journal of English Department, 1(1), 92-101.ISSN: 2519-1543.
7. Mahmud, S. (2015). EFL teachers’ and students’ perceptions and preferences in error correction and feedback. Harvest, Jahangirnagar University Studies in Language and Literature, 3. ISSN: 1729-8326.
8. Paper presented at the 2nd International Conference on “the 21st Century Classroom: Directions, Issues and Changes”, 8-9 August 2014 at ULAB, Dhanmondi
9. Mahmud, S. (2012). Error Analysis and Feedback in the EFL classroom. Explorer, Journal of Faculty of Humanities and Law 3. 1-2 .ISSN: 1998-5568.
10. Mahmud, S. (2009). Errors in the free composition of undergraduates: A linguistic analysis. Explorer, Journal of Faculty of Humanities and Law, 2 (1&2), 137-155. ISSN: 1998-5568.
11. Maniruzzaman, M., and Mahmud, S. (2008). Teaching composition writing in English as a foreign language (EFL) at the tertiary level: A balanced curricular and instructional approach. Bangladesh Journal of Public Administration 17 (2), 111-127. ISSN: 1563-5032.
1. Paper presented at 23rd NELTA International Conference on “Content, Language and Technology: Perspectives and Prospects in ELT, 15-17February 2018 in Gyaneshwor, Kathmandu, Nepal,
2. Paper presented at the 6th BELTA International Conference, Multiple Realities of English: ELT and Beyond held on 18-20 January, 2013 at TTC, Dhaka
3. Paper presented at National Conference 2015 on “English Studies in Bangladesh: Reconsidering Conceptual Paradigms”, 10October 2015 at SEU, Tejgaon, Dhaka
4. Paper presented at BELTA National Conference 2014 on “English Language Education in Bangladesh: Effective Practices and Sustainability”, 31May 2014 at SUST, Sylhet
5. Paper presented at English Language Teaching International Seminar 2009 on “Alternative Methodologies in ELT”, 28 July 2009 at UKBET, Sylhet
6. Paper presented at the National Symposium on “Classroom Research”,19 November 2000 at British Council, Dhaka
Professor, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet
Associate Professor, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet (8 March 2012 till date)
BGMEA University of Fashion and Technology, Dhaka (on lien from 20 February 2018 to 17 February 2020)
Assistant Professor, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet (February 2004 to 7 March 2012)
Lecturer, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet (01 July 2001 to February 2004)
Lecturer in English, Feni Government College, Feni (January 1999 to September 2001)
Lecturer in English, Modan Mohan College, Sylhet (October 1997 to January 1999)
Awards & Recognition
UGC PhD Grant
Jahangirnagar University Scholarship for MPhil
DFID, UK Grant for attending Writing Course at the College of St. Mark and St. Johns, Plymouth, UK (Oct 1999- December 1999)
Graduate Supervision
1. Supervised Graduate students in every academic semester.