Ph.D., Dhaka University , Awarded January 2015, Ph.D. Thesis Title: ‘The Depiction of Women’s-Life in Bangladeshi Short-Stories (Hasan Azizul Haq, Aktharuzzaman Elius, Selina Hossen and Nasreen Jahan)’ Supervisor’s name and institute: Dr. Biswajit Ghosh Professor Dept. of Bangla, Dhaka University, Dhaka.
MBA, Metropolitan University Sylhet, 2009, CGPA 3.99 (Out of 4)
M.A (Bangla), Jahangirnagar University, 1998 (Held on 2001), 1st Class (3rd Position)
B.A Honor’s (Bangla), Jahangirnagar University, 1997 (Held on 1999), 2nd Class (1st Position)
1. Khol Korotal : The Women’s Inner-Speech. (Khol Korotal : Narir Ontorboyan) SAHITTYA GOBESHANA PATRIKA (Editor : Professor Dr. Arjumand Ara Banu)
2. The Depiction of Women’s Life in the Stories of Nasreen Jahan. (Nasreen Jahaner Golpo : Narijiboner Rupayan) SAHITTYA GOBESHANA PATRIKA (Editor : Professor Dr. Arjumand Ara Banu)
3. Anurah Purnima : The Face of Women. (Anurah Purnima : Narir Mukh), BHASHA SHAHITYA PATH (Editor : Professor Dr. Sharadindu Bhattacharjee), Vol. 03, No. 04, December 2017
4. The Art-Story of Strong Willpower in Women’s-Life : About Motijaner Meyera. (Nari-Jiboner Attmaprottoye Shilpavassho : Prosongo Motijaner Meyera), SAHITYIKI (Editor : Professor Amritalal Bala), Year. 58, Vol. 47, June 2017
5. Ogronthito Akhtaruzzaman Elius : About Short-Stories. (Ogronthito Akhtaruzzaman Elius : Proshongo Chotogolpo), SAHITTYA PATRIKA (Editor : Dr. Biswajit Ghosh), Vol. 54, No. 02, February 2017
6. The Women’s Life in the Short-Stories of Akhtaruzzaman Elius. (Akhtaruzzaman Eliuser Chotogolpe Narijibon), THE DHAKA BISWABIDYALAYA PATRIKA (Editor : Dr. Biswajit Ghosh),Vol. 94, October 2014 Published in August 2016
7. The Inner-Speech of Women’s-Life : on Shomuddrer Swapna Shiter Oronno. (Nari-Jiboner Ontokothon : Proshongo Shomuddrer Swapna Shiter Oronno), SAHITTYA GOBESHANA PATRIKA (Editor : Dr. Hosne Ara Begum),Vol. 02, No. 01, July 2015 – June 2016
8. The Depiction of Women’s-Life in The Short-Stories of Hasan Azizul Haq. (Hasan Azizul Haqer Chotogolpo : Nari-Jiboner Rupayan), SAHITTYA PATRIKA (Editor : Dr. Biswajit Ghosh), Vol. 53, No. 01, October 2015
9. The Short-Story of Sawkat Osman : The Depiction of Reality of Life. (Sawkat Osmaner Chotogolpo : Jibon-Bastobotar Rupayan), SUST Studies (Chairman : Dr. Muhammed Zafar Iqbal) , Vol. 17, No. 03, December 2012
10. The Short-Story of Rabindranath : Human and Nature. (Rabindranather Chotogolpo : Manush o Prokriti), RABINDRA JOURNAL (Editor : Md. Israfil Alam, M.P.), Vol. 05, No. 01, November 2012
11. The Short-Story of Syed Waliullah : A Look into Literary-Cultural Point of View. (Syed Waliullhar Chotogolpo : Shilpodrishtir Aloke), BANGLA GABESHANA PATRIKA (Editor : Professor Dr. Shaikh Md. Roziqul Islam) , Vol. 05, November 2012
12. Kazi Abdul Odud’s ‘Nodibokshe’ : The Careful Attempt to the thought of Society. (Kazi Abdul Oduder ‘Nodibokshe’ : Shomaj Vabnar Shocheton Proyash), SUST Studies (Chairman : Dr. Muhammed Zafar Iqbal) , Vol. 13, No. 1, March 2011
13. Kazi Abdul Odud’s ‘Azad’ : The Symbol of Social-Reality. (Kazi Abdul Oduder ‘Azad’ : Shomajbastobotar Smarok), VASHA-SHAHITTYA PATRA (Editor : Dr. Pritthila Naznin) Vol. 33, June 2007
Lecturer, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet. 01.08.2004 to 26.08.2007
Assistant Professor, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet. 27.08.2007 to 12.09.2015
Associate Professor, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Sylhet. 13.09.2015 to