Faculty Profile

Hossain Mohammad Nahyan

Associate Professor

Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Architecture, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801778670733
  • Email: [email protected]


Born in Sylhet, Bangladesh Nahyan completed his primary education in Sylhet. He passed
Secondary and Higher Secondary School Certificate Exams under Dhaka Board from Dhaka
Residential Model Collage. He received B.Arch. in 2011 from KU, Khulna attaining first position
in his class. He started his career as an assistant architect at Bashirul Haq & Associates, Dhaka. At
present he is teaching at the Dept. of Architecture in SUST, Sylhet, Bangladesh. He also facilitates
as a community architect in various organizations including UNDP, ACHR & UN-Habitat. In
2015, he received NFP Scholarship and completed his M.Sc. in Urban and Environmental
Management (MUE) under this program from WUR, the Netherlands in 2017. His research interest
includes land-use planning, landscape ecology and water-sensitive urban design, low-cost
vernacular design and community planning.


  • Master of Urban & environmental Management (MUE), Wageningen University & Research Center (WUR), Netherlands
  • Bachelor of Architecture, Khulna University, Bangladesh in 2011

Research Interests

  • land-use planning, landscape ecology and water-sensitive urban design, low-cost vernacular design and community planning.


  • Six (06) years, from Nov. 2011

Awards & Recognition

  • Netherlands Fellowship Program (NFP), 2015