Faculty Profile

Dr. Mohammad Monjur-Ul-Haider

Associate Professor

Contact Information

  • Office Address: Department of Anthropology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
  • Phone: +8801711960288
  • Email: [email protected]


Mohammad Monjur-Ul-Haider works as a faculty (currently Assistant Professor) at the Department of Anthropology, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh. He has completed a PhD at the University of Dhaka on traditional astronomers of Bangladesh. He has good exposure to Indigenous Knowledge, Cultural Astronomy, Linguistic Anthropology, Communication for Development, and Archaeological Anthropology as an area of interest.


  • PhD in Anthropology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000
  • MSS in Anthropology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000
  • BSS in Anthropology, University of Dhaka, Dhaka-1000
  • HSC in Humanities, Dhaka College, Dhaka
  • SSC in Humanities, IPH High school, Dhaka-1212

Research Interests

  • Archaeology, Cultural Astronomy
  • Communication for Development
  • Language and Culture
  • Indigenous Knowledge
  • Ecology and Environment

Active Research Project

  • 1. COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitation, Acceptance among University Students in Bangladesh. Empirical Research (Academic); 2022-2023; 3, 20,000/= BDT. University Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh. (As Co-Investigator)
  • 2. Self-Medication Practices and Drug Behaviors in Pharmacy Care Setting among the Rural People of Sylhet, Bangladesh Empirical Research (Academic); 2021-2022; 3, 10,000/= BDT. University Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh. (As Principal-Investigator)

Previous Research Project

  • 1. Importance of Primary Education through Mother Tongue among the Khasis of Jaintapur in Sylhet 2011-2012; University Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh (As co-Investigator)
  • 2. Impact Assessment of Decentralized Public Health on Maternal Health Care Service at Tukerbazar in Sylhet. Empirical Research (Academic); 2013-2014; 61,000/= BDT. University Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh.
  • 3. Understanding the Climate Change and Adaptation Strategies of the Peoples of Hail Haor in North-Eastern Bangladesh, Empirical Research (Academic); 2015-2016; 65,000/= BDT. University Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh
  • 4. Unmaking, Making, and Remaking identities of the Bihari peoples of Saidpur; Exploratory Research (Academic); 2016-2017; 1,50,000/= BDT. University Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh. (As co-Investigator)
  • 5. The situation and mapping of basic social services for children and women in the urban slum of Sylhet City Corporation; Survey Research (Commissioned); May 20 to July 03, 2018; 2,50,000/= BDT. Sylhet City Corporation, Sylhet, Bangladesh. (As co-Investigator)
  • 6. Social inclusion or exclusion through language: a study on Khasi linguistic group in Sreemangal, Empirical Research (Academic); 2018-2019; 1,53,000/= BDT. University Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh
  • 7. Realities of expectations: Struggles, problems, adaptation strategies of the slum dwellers in Sylhet City, Bangladesh. (Academic); 2019-2020; 1,20,000/= BDT. University Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh. (As co-Investigator)
  • 8. Understanding the effect of behavior change communication (BCC) intervention on infant and young child feeding (IYCF) practices during the context of COVID-19 in peri-urban Sylhet

External Affiliations

  • 2012- present, Editorial Assistant, Anthropologist, Department of Anthropology, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology, Bangladesh
  • 2012-present Executive Member, ISRAA, Rajshahi, Bangladesh
  • 2004-present, Executive Member, Applied Anthropological Association Bangladesh

Journal Publications

  • 1. Haider, M. M. (2021) Social Inclusion or Exclusion through Language: a study on Khasi community of Bangladesh. The Dhaka University Journal of Linguistics, 13(25-26), 115-136. (2021)
  • 2. Haider, M.M.(2021) The reckoning of time and its social reasoning in Bangladesh: an understanding from traditional astronomers’ point of view. Man and Culture, 6(1), 17-34. (2021)
  • 3. Haider, M., & Rahman, S. T. (2020). Corporate Engagement to Address Child Labor in Ready Made Garments: A Focus on the Periphery of Dhaka, 31(2), 83-100 (2020)
  • 4. Haider, M. M. and Rahman, M. M (2020): “The impact of Al-Biruni’s Astronomical works on modern Astronomy”, Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, Vol.7, No. 8, pp:577-585. (2020)
  • 5. Rahman, M. M., Rahman, S. T., & Haider, M. M. (2020). Sighs Behind the Veils: A display of the Late-life Widowhood of Rural Women in Habiganj, SUST Journal of Social Science, 31(1), 07-22 (2020)
  • 6. Majumder, N. M., & Haider, M. M. (2019). Customary Land Tenure System: Threats, Challenges, and Grievance among Khasi community. Man and Culture, 4(2), 55-68. (2019)
  • 7. Majumder, N. M., Zakaria, A.F. M., Rahman, M.,. & Haider, M. M. (2018) Modernity and ethnic dynamics: a study on Khasi community of North-East Bangladesh. Man and Culture, 4(1), 31-42. (2018)
  • 8. Haider, M. M. & Asaduzzaman, M. (2018). Khasia Nrigosthir Bhasa Poristhity- ekti nriboigganik onudhabon (in Bangla), Journal of Sociology, 7(1), DU, Dhaka (2018)
  • 9. Majumder, N. M., Zakaria, A.F.M., Rahman, M. M., & Haider, M. M. (2018). Modernity and Ethnic Dynamics: a study on Khasi community of North-East Bangladesh. Man and Culture, 4(1), 31-42. (2018)
  • 10. Rayna, M., T., Rahman, A. & Haider, M. (2017). Inclusion or Exclusion: a study on Kokborok linguistic group in CHT. Man and Culture, 3(1), 50-54. (2017)
  • 11. Islam, A.K.M, & Haider, M. M. (2016). Governance Deficit in the Child Health Care Services in Bangladesh: Reflections from the bottom, Man and Culture, 2(1), 11-21. (2016)
  • 12. Haider, M. M. (2015). Human Development and Anthropology: Issues & concerns in different countries. The Journal of Rural Development, 40(02), 23-38. (2015)
  • 13. Rahman, M.M., Haider, M.M., Rahman, M. H. & Zakaria, A.F.M., (2015). Street Children: Survival on the Extreme Margins of Human Life? International Journal of Humanities Social Sciences and Education (IJHSSE), 2(9), 136-144. (2015)
  • 14. Haider, M. M. & Zakaria, A.F.M. (2015). Everyday Struggles and adaptive Strategies: A Snapshot on the Impact of Climate Change over the People Living in the Hail Haor, Moulovibazar, 2015. Bangladesh, Journal of Worldwide Holistic Sustainable Development, 1(3), 4-14. (2015)
  • 15. Haider, M. M., & Rahman, S. (2013). Coastal Fishermen: an anthropological overview. Anthropologist, Vol. 1, No. 1, SUST, Sylhet. (2013)
  • 16. Haider, M. M. (2012). The Linguistic Situation of Khasi Community. Indigenous Community and Environment of Sylhet, BAPA-BEN, SUST, Sylhet. (2012)
  • 17. Haider, M. M., Islam, A.K.M., & Rahman, M.M. (2012). Late Enrolment, Grade Repetition, and Drop out among the Khasi Students in Bangladesh, Man & Culture, Journal of ISRAA Volume 1, No. 1, Jan-Jun 2012, PP 55-59 (2012)
  • 18. Haider, M. M. (2011). Overview of the Child rights Programmes in Bangladesh, Journal of Sociology, Vol.-1, Number-3, January 2011 (2011)
  • 19. Haider, M. M. (2010). A Pen Picture of Manipuri Diaspora. Grassroot Voice, vii(i), Dhaka. (2010)
  • 20. Haider, M. M. (2008). Language of Chakma community: anthropological and Linguistic Exploration (in Bengali), Dhaka University Patrika, Issue-90, Dhaka. (2008)


  • Language and Culture
  • Prehistory and Archaeology
  • Contemporary Trends of Research Methods in Anthropology
  • Communication for Development

Awards & Recognition

  • Awarded in recognition of the highest talent among post-graduates of the Department of Anthropology, University of Dhaka in the MSS level examination 1999.
  • Life Long Blood Donor, Quantum Foundation, Dhaka.
  • 10th time Blood Donation Award 2015, Red Crescent Society, Sylhet.

Graduate Supervision

  • 1. MSS Thesis Research Supervision: Completed 1
  • 2. MSS General Research Supervision: Competed 60
  • 3. BSS Research Supervision: Completed 76, Continue 4