Office Address: Assistant Professor
Institute of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet-3114, Bangladesh
Phone: +8801638835169
Master’s in Georesources Engineering, EMERALD (Erasmus Mundus) Program, University of Liege, Belgium; University of Lorraine, France; Lulea University of Technology, Sweden; Freiberg University of Mining and Technology, Germany
Bachelor of Science in Petroleum & Mining Engineering, Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.
Research Interests
Reservoir Simulation and Modelling
Reservoir Characterization
Machine Learning
Mineral Processing
Fluid Flow through Porous Media
Active Research Project
Project Title: Machine learning approach coupled with feature ranking for the prediction of rock strength in a heterogeneous petroleum reservoir. Project Announced by: Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST), Bangladesh.
Previous Research Project
Project Title: Effective integration of core data and log data for core scale reservoir characterization on accurate production forecasting. Project Announced by: Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST), Bangladesh.
Project Title: Empirical, statistical, and machine learning approach to predict water saturation in a heterogeneous petroleum reservoir using geophysical well logs and laboratory derived core data. Project Announced by: Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST), Bangladesh.
Project Title: Synthetic well logs generation for a hydrocarbon reservoir using soft computing techniques. Project Announced by: Research Centre, Shahjalal University of Science & Technology (SUST), Bangladesh.
Project Title: Prediction of gross calorific value of coal of Barapukuria coal mine, Dinajpur, Bangladesh using empirical, statistical, and virtual analysis techniques: A comparative study. Funded by: The Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh.
Journal Publish
1. Prediction of gross calorific value from coal analysis using decision tree-based bagging and boosting techniques
2. Data-driven computational approaches to estimate gross calorific value of coal using proximate and ultimate analyses
3. Advanced machine learning approaches for predicting permeability in reservoir pay zones based on core analyses
4. Empirical, statistical, and connectionist methods coupled with log variables ranking for the prediction of pore network permeability in a heterogeneous oil reservoir
5. Effect of Solid Concentration and Particle Size on the Flotation Kinetics and Entrainment of Quartz and Hematite
6. A comparative study of empirical, statistical, and soft computing methods coupled with feature ranking for the prediction of water saturation in a heterogeneous oil reservoir
7. Modelling of fluid flow through porous media using memory approach: A review.
8. The quality of imported coal and its impact on environmental degradation.
9. Sulphur concentration in imported coal around the Tamabil area, Sylhet, Bangladesh.
10. Shape analysis, quantitative percentage determination and depositional environment of detrital quartz grains of the atrai river sand, Naogaon district, Bangladesh.
11. Fluid Flow Analysis of a Transmission Line of Jalalabad Gas Transmission and Distribution System Limited.
12. Ash Content and It’s Relevance with the Coal Grade and Environment in Bangladesh.
Sonali Bank Scholarship (for SSC result), 2004, Bangladesh.
Merit Based Scholarship from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, 2010, Bangladesh.
Erasmus Mundus Scholarship awarded by European Commission, 2013, Belgium.
Memorial University Research Assistantship Scholarship, 2016, Canada.
Deans Award from Shahjalal University of Science and Technology for Research Excellence, 2019, Bangladesh.
1. An approach to maintain supply chain management and sustainability of petroleum production in the pandemic situations like COVID-19. SPE Fest, 5-8 November 2020, Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gujarat, India.
2. A critical review and future trend on relative permeability hysteresis.
3. Modelling of fluid flow in a petroleum reservoir using an engineering approach.
4. State of the art on porosity and permeability hysteresis: A useful techniques for hydrocarbon recovery.
5. Application of memory formalism and fractional derivative in reservoir simulation.
6. A comparative study of mathematical models for fractured reservoirs: anomalous diffusion and continuum approach.
7. Coal quality assessment of Barapukuria coalmine, Bangladesh. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Civil Engineering for Sustainable Development (ICCESD-2012), 23-24 March 2012, KUET, Khulna, Bangladesh, ISBN: 978-984-33-4246-1, p.107-108.
8. Sulfur Concentration in Imported Coal from India and Our Environment. National Seminar on Renewable Energy, 1st April 2012, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh, p. 15.