Professor Md Masum
Head of the Department
Welcome to Department of Computer Science and Engineering, ShahJalal University of Science & Technology (SUST) website. CSE-SUST is one of the finest departments in Bangladesh of its arena with the mark of its magnificent progress. Various kinds of activities, academic and extra-curriculum, have brought this department to both national and international focus. Both teachers and students spontaneously participate in different programs to make the department a centre for excellence. Research activities have earned fame of the department at both home and aboard. We are contented and committed to take the department along with the university forward with the help of the teachers, students, officers and employees who have been toiling hard to retain peace and order in the campus. We strongly adhere to all forms of progressive ideas as we bear the spirit of freedom, conscience and liberal thought. The department established in 1992 currently has around 300 students who are pursuing the academic deliberations and enhancement of research capabilities.
Our promise is that we shall continue our endeavor to place the name of this department along with the university at the frontier in the international arena.
This website aims at providing the user with the latest information related to what we stand for, what we offer and how we operate our academic and research arena. We believe you will enjoy browsing through this website and use this information available on it in productive manner as per your requirement and expectation.